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Created August 1, 2012 01:44
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html><head></head><body>
<h1>CS260 Lab: Player Database</h1>
Your RPG game would be incomplete without players so this lab is
going to add a player database. In order to support fast updates to
the player database (who knows, maybe this is the next WoW!) you are
going to implement your player database with a hash table.
The player database holds all of the players. In this stripped down
program each player only has a name, gender, and level. Clearly you
would want to add other features (like race and skills and inventory
and ...) for a full featured game. The database interface is
simple. It allows you to add new users, remove users, or lookup
users in the database.
<h2>Implementation Requirements</h2>
You are free to implement the player database with as many (or as
few) classes and you see fit to use. However, you will need to make
sure that you use a hash table for storing the players. Also, the
hash table needs to use the chaining technique for dealing with
<h3>The hashtable</h3>
Implementing the hash table is the core of this lab. In order to
get a large number of collisions and be able to exercise all of the
features of the hash table your hash table will have a table size of
3 (just for this lab). Normally that is far too small for a hash
table but it will be fine for this lab as a proof of concept. Your
hash table should use chaining (linked list) for handling
collisions. Finally, your hash table should have a &quot;diagnostics&quot;
function that will print out all of the data in your table (see the
provided output for the format).
You need to implement the hash function as described in the text book (page 692 in the 5th edition). Also, use Horner's
rule to avoid excessive computations. Your hashing should match my output exactly.
Note that you may run into problems with signed versus unsigned numbers.
<h3>The Player class</h3>
The Player class is very simple. It contains the user's name,
gender, and level. The gender should be defined with an enum in the
Player.h file. The valid values for the enum should be MALE,
FEMALE, UNKNOWN. The Player class also needs a method called
LevelUp() that will increase the level of the player. Depending on
how you implement the rest of your program, you may find that you
need other methods. You are free to add as many other methods as
you wish.
<h3>The PlayerDB class</h3>
The PlayerDB class is the player database. This class holds the
hash table of players and manages the adding, fetching ,and removing
of players (see main.cpp for the exact names of the methods). The
player database also has a method for printing the diagnostics of
the internal hash table.
Pay special attention to the FetchPlayer() method. Notice that it
returns a pointer to a player object. This must be the same player
object that is being stored in the hash table. In the test case
you'll see that LevelUp() is called on a returned pointer and then
the level for that player changes in the database. Be sure to
implement this functionality.
<h2>To Submit This Assignment</h2>
First, &quot;clean&quot; your project by doing the following:
execute <strong>Clean Solution</strong> in
the <strong>Build</strong> menu
close Visual Studio, and then delete the <strong>.ncb</strong>
file from your solution's root folder
After cleaning your project, compress it
into <strong></strong>. Make sure you have your Zip
application set to <em>preserve the folder structure</em> of your
project, and make sure that your .zip file <em>will extract into a
single folder</em>, the way that the .zip files from this course do.
Doing these things will ensure that your .zip file is as small as
possible, which will make both your upload and my download quicker.
Submit the .zip file containing your cleaned project to Desire2Learn.
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