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Last active December 13, 2019 18:39
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# Setup helm creds
kubectl -n kube-system create sa tiller \
--dry-run -o yaml | kubectl -n kube-system apply -f -
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule \
--clusterrole=cluster-admin \
--serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller \
--dry-run -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
# Install helm
"$HELM_BIN" init \
--skip-refresh --upgrade \
--service-account tiller --history-max 10 \
# add the flux helm chart repository
"$HELM_BIN" repo add fluxcd
# Install the HelmRelease CRD
kubectl apply \
# Setup flux creds
kubectl create ns flux
# TODO: when helm-operator supports https deploy tokens/personal access tokens switch to that
kubectl create -n flux \
secret generic $FLUX_GIT_DEPLOY_KEY_SECRET \
--from-file=identity="$FLUX_DEPLOY_KEY_PATH" \
--dry-run -o yaml | kubectl -n flux apply -f -
# install flux using helm
"$HELM_BIN" upgrade --install \
flux \
--namespace flux \
--set git.url="$FLUX_GIT_REPO" \
--set git.secretName=$FLUX_GIT_DEPLOY_KEY_SECRET \
--set 'additionalArgs[0]=--sync-garbage-collection' \
--set prometheus.serviceMonitor.create=true \
--set helmOperator.create=true \
--set helmOperator.createCRD=false \
--set helmOperator.workers=5 \
--set helmOperator.git.pollInterval=1m \
--set helmOperator.chartsSyncInterval=1m \
--set helmOperator.logReleaseDiffs=true \
--set helmOperator.prometheus.serviceMonitor.create=true \
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