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Created April 16, 2024 15:57
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scripts inorder to run avail-da with latest rollkit and go-da
# set variables for the chain
CHAINFLAG="--chain-id ${CHAIN_ID}"
# query the DA Layer start height, in this case we are querying
# our local devnet at port 26657, the RPC. The RPC endpoint is
# to allow users to interact with Celestia's nodes by querying
# the node's state and broadcasting transactions on the Celestia
# network. The default port is 26657.
DA_BLOCK_HEIGHT=$(curl http://localhost:8000/v1/latest_block | jq -r '.latest_block')
# rollkit logo
cat <<'EOF'
-++- .-++:
.=+=. :++-.
-++- .=+=: .
.=+=: -%@@@*
+%- .=#@@@@@@*
-++- -*%@@@@@@%+:
.=*=. .=#@@@@@@@%=.
-++-.-++: =*#@@@@@%+:.-++-=-
.=+=. :=+=.-: @@#=. .-*@@@@%
=*=: .-==+- :+#@@@@@@%-
:++- -*@@@@@@@#=:
=%+=. .=#@@@@@@@#%:
-++: -++- *+=@@@@%+: =#*##-
=*=. :=+=---@*=. .=*@@@@@%
.-+=: :-: :+%@@@@@@%+.
:=+- -*@@@@@@@#=.
.=+=: .=#@@@@@@%*-
-++- *=.@@@#+:
______ _ _ _ _ _
| ___ \ | || || | (_)| |
| |_/ / ___ | || || | __ _ | |_
| / / _ \ | || || |/ /| || __|
| |\ \ | (_) || || || < | || |_
\_| \_| \___/ |_||_||_|\_\|_| \__|
# echo variables for the chain
echo -e "\n Your DA_BLOCK_HEIGHT is $DA_BLOCK_HEIGHT \n"
# build the gm chain with Rollkit
ignite chain build
# reset any existing genesis/chain data
gmd tendermint unsafe-reset-all
# initialize the validator with the chain ID you set
gmd init $VALIDATOR_NAME --chain-id $CHAIN_ID
# add keys for key 1 and key 2 to keyring-backend test
gmd keys add $KEY_NAME --keyring-backend test
gmd keys add $KEY_2_NAME --keyring-backend test
# add these as genesis accounts
gmd genesis add-genesis-account $KEY_NAME $TOKEN_AMOUNT --keyring-backend test
gmd genesis add-genesis-account $KEY_2_NAME $TOKEN_AMOUNT --keyring-backend test
# set the staking amounts in the genesis transaction
gmd genesis gentx $KEY_NAME $STAKING_AMOUNT --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --keyring-backend test
# collect genesis transactions
gmd genesis collect-gentxs
# copy centralized sequencer address into genesis.json
# Note: validator and sequencer are used interchangeably here
ADDRESS=$(jq -r '.address' ~/.gm/config/priv_validator_key.json)
PUB_KEY=$(jq -r '.pub_key' ~/.gm/config/priv_validator_key.json)
jq --argjson pubKey "$PUB_KEY" '.consensus["validators"]=[{"address": "'$ADDRESS'", "pub_key": $pubKey, "power": "1000", "name": "Rollkit Sequencer"}]' ~/.gm/config/genesis.json > temp.json && mv temp.json ~/.gm/config/genesis.json
# create a file to restart the chain later
[ -f ] && rm
echo "gmd start --rollkit.aggregator true --rollkit.da_address=":3000" --rollkit.da_start_height \$DA_BLOCK_HEIGHT --rpc.laddr tcp:// --p2p.laddr \"\"" >>
# start the chain
gmd start --rollkit.aggregator true --rollkit.da_address="grpc://localhost:3000" --rollkit.da_start_height $DA_BLOCK_HEIGHT
# uncomment the next command if you are using lazy aggregation
# gmd start --rollkit.aggregator true --rollkit.da_address="grpc://localhost:3000" --rollkit.da_start_height $DA_BLOCK_HEIGHT --rollkit.lazy_aggregator
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