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Last active December 19, 2015 02:09
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Assignment for the class
Class Assignment:
An blog application with 3 types of users:
1. Author can write the article. The article will not show until approved by moderator or admin. Author can edit his own article.
2. Moderator can Read, Approve or Edit.
3. Admin can do everything [Create, Read, Edit, Delete, Approve]. He can create articles in the name of other Authors or admin users [Not a moderator].
The application will allow authors to post the articles for the blog. The articles will be posted in multiple categories. The Author can choose what all categories it will be displayed in.
Do these two and show me in 15 min:
1. Write down user-stories or what each user will do.
2. Create the Model / DB structure for the above.
3. Create the Application
- Visitors can post comments
- Tags can be added/removed by the admin, moderator or the original author.
- Tag cloud: List of tags - alphabetically arranged, and the size of text based the frequency of the tag!
- Edit the user profile: only by the same user.
- Change password.
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