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Last active September 21, 2019 14:46
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ts :: exhaustive type checking - `Extract`
// Inspired from article
type Square = { kind: 'square'; side: number };
type Rectangle = { kind: 'rectangle'; width: number; length: number };
type Circle = { kind: 'circle'; radius: number };
type Shape = Square | Rectangle | Circle;
type ShapeKind = Shape['kind'];
// type AreaList = { [K in Shape['kind']]: (shape: Extract<Shape, { kind: K }>) => number };
type AreaList = { [K in ShapeKind]: (shape: Extract<Shape, { kind: K }>) => number };
const areaCalc: AreaList = {
square: (s: Square) => s.side * s.side,
rectangle: (s: Rectangle) => s.width * s.length,
circle: (s: Circle) => (s.radius * s.radius * 22) / 7
// with destructuring
const areaCalc2: AreaList = {
square: ({ side }) => side * side,
rectangle: ({ width, length }) => width * length,
circle: ({ radius }) => (radius * radius * 22) / 7
const computedAreas = [
areaCalc['square']({ kind: 'square', side: 10 }),
areaCalc['rectangle']({ kind: 'rectangle', width: 10, length: 10 }),
areaCalc['circle']({ kind: 'circle', radius: 10 }),
areaCalc2['square']({ kind: 'square', side: 10 }),
areaCalc2['rectangle']({ kind: 'rectangle', width: 10, length: 10 }),
areaCalc2['circle']({ kind: 'circle', radius: 10 })
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