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Created January 30, 2015 03:52
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scalajs-react with inline style example
* Created by chandrasekharkode .
object ReactSearchBox {
trait Style {
def searchBox : TagMod = Seq( position := "relative" ,
marginBottom := "10px")
def searchInput : TagMod = Seq( display := "block",
border := "none",
fontSize := "13px",
fontWeight := 300,
padding := "3px",
backgroundColor := "transparent",
boxShadow := "none",
borderBottom := "1px solid #B2ADAD")
def searchInputFocus : TagMod = Seq(outline := "none" ,
boxShadow := "none" ,
borderBottom := "1.5px solid #03a9f4")
case class State(focused : Boolean = false)
class Backend(t: BackendScope[Props, State]) {
def onTextChange(e: ReactEventI) = {
def onFocus = t.modState(_.copy(focused = true))
def onBlur = t.modState(_.copy(focused = false))
val component = ReactComponentB[Props]("ReactSearchBox")
.backend(new Backend(_))
.render((P, S, B) => {
input(,S.focused ?= , placeholder := "Search ..", onKeyUp ==> B.onTextChange ,onFocus --> B.onFocus ,onBlur --> B.onBlur)
case class Props(onTextChange : StringUnit ,style : Style)
def apply( onTextChange : StringUnit ,style: Style = new Style{}, ref: js.UndefOr[String] = "", key: js.Any = {}) = component.set(key, ref)(Props(onTextChange,style))
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