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Created August 4, 2023 14:41
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DNS query PowerShell script that saves you from typing
param (
function FormatDnsRecords {
[parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)]
process {
return [pscustomobject]@{
Name = $Record.Name
Type = $Record.Type
Section = $Record.Section
# QueryType = $Record.QueryType
Record = switch ($Record) {
$_ -is [Microsoft.DnsClient.Commands.DnsRecord_A] -or $_ -is [Microsoft.DnsClient.Commands.DnsRecord_AAAA]
} { $_.IPAddress }
$_ -is [Microsoft.DnsClient.Commands.DnsRecord_PTR]
} { $_.NameHost }
function ResolveAddress {
param (
$params = @{ Name = $Address }
if ($Server) { $params.Server = $Server }
Write-Host 'A / AAAA:' -ForegroundColor Cyan
$records = @(Resolve-DnsName -ErrorAction Ignore @params)
if (!$records) {
Write-Warning "No records returned from $(if ($Server) { $Server } else { "default server" })."
} else {
$records | FormatDnsRecords | Format-Table -AutoSize
Write-Host 'ANY:' -ForegroundColor Cyan
$records = @(Resolve-DnsName -Type ANY -ErrorAction Ignore @params)
if (!$records) {
Write-Warning "No records returned from $(if ($Server) { $Server } else { "default server" })."
} else {
$records | FormatDnsRecords | Format-Table -AutoSize
if (!$Address) {
while ($true) {
$Address = Read-Host -Prompt "Address$(if ($global:lastAddress) { " [$($global:lastAddress)]" })"
if ($Address) { $global:lastAddress = $Address } else { $Address = $global:lastAddress }
$Server = Read-Host -Prompt "Server$(if ($global:lastServer) { ' ("." for default)' + " [$($global:lastServer)]" })"
if ($Server -eq '.') { $Server = $null; $global:lastServer = $null }
elseif ($Server) { $global:lastServer = $Server } else { $Server = $global:lastServer }
if ($Address) {
ResolveAddress -Address $Address -Server $Server
ResolveAddress -Address $Address -Server $Server
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