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Last active August 16, 2019 07:36
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Getting CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) information via Python on specified list of ESXi hosts
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import atexit
from pyVim.connect import SmartConnectNoSSL, Disconnect
import pyVmomi
from pyVmomi import vim
from typing import List, Dict, Union
from tabulate import tabulate
from getpass import getpass
def collect_properties(content, view_ref, obj_type, path_set=None, incl_ref=False, key=None):
Collect properties for managed objects from a view ref
Check the vSphere API documentation for example on retrieving
object properties:
content (ServiceInstance): ServiceInstance connection
view_ref (pyVmomi.vim.view.*): Starting point of inventory navigation
obj_type (pyVmomi.vim.*): Type of managed object
path_set (list): List of properties to retrieve
incl_ref (bool): If True include the managed objects refs in the result
key (str): Optional prop to use as dict key. If not specified a list will be returned.
A list (or dict if key is present) of properties for the managed objects.
if key is not None and key not in path_set:
raise ValueError('Key is not one of the paths in path_set.')
collector = content.propertyCollector
# Create object specification to define the starting point of
# inventory navigation
obj_spec = pyVmomi.vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectSpec()
obj_spec.obj = view_ref
obj_spec.skip = True
# Create a traversal specification to identify the path for collection
traversal_spec = pyVmomi.vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.TraversalSpec() = 'traverseEntities'
traversal_spec.path = 'view'
traversal_spec.skip = False
traversal_spec.type = view_ref.__class__
obj_spec.selectSet = [traversal_spec]
# Identify the properties to the retrieved
property_spec = pyVmomi.vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.PropertySpec()
property_spec.type = obj_type
if not path_set:
property_spec.all = True
property_spec.pathSet = path_set
# Add the object and property specification to the
# property filter specification
filter_spec = pyVmomi.vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.FilterSpec()
filter_spec.objectSet = [obj_spec]
filter_spec.propSet = [property_spec]
# Retrieve properties
props = collector.RetrieveContents([filter_spec])
data = {} if key else []
for obj in props:
properties = {}
for prop in obj.propSet:
properties[] = prop.val
if incl_ref:
properties['obj'] = obj.obj
if key is None:
data[properties[key]] = properties
return data
def exception_handler(ex_type, ex_val, ex_traceback):
if serviceInst: Disconnect(serviceInst)
sys.__excepthook__(ex_type, ex_val, ex_traceback)
def connect_viserver(hostname: str, username: str, password: str):
global serviceInst, viServer
serviceInst = SmartConnectNoSSL(host=hostname, user=username, pwd=password)
atexit.register(Disconnect, serviceInst)
# sys.excepthook = exception_handler
viServer = serviceInst.RetrieveContent()
print('Connected to {}. Variables and methods defined:\n'
'serviceInst: ServiceInstance\n'
'viServer: ServiceInstance content\n'
'get_cdp(host: Union[str, vim.HostSystem], list_only=True)'.format(hostname))
def list_hosts(list_only=True):
Print a formatted list of all the hosts or return a dict of all the hosts.
Action performed depends on the value of list_only.
if viServer is None:
print('Use ConnectVIServer first.')
view = viServer.viewManager.CreateContainerView(viServer.rootFolder, [vim.HostSystem], True)
props = ['name',
hosts: Dict[str, Dict[str, object]] = collect_properties(viServer, view, vim.HostSystem, props, True, 'name')
if list_only:
hostsFormated = sorted([(
host.get('summary.overallStatus', 'unknown'),
host.get('summary.runtime.powerState', 'unknown'),
f"{host.get('summary.quickStats.uptime', 0) / 86400:.1f} days",
'unknown' if None in (host.get('summary.quickStats.overallCpuUsage'),
host.get('summary.hardware.numCpuCores')) else
f"{host['summary.quickStats.overallCpuUsage'] / host['summary.hardware.cpuMhz'] / host['summary.hardware.numCpuCores']:.0%}",
'unknown' if None in (host.get('summary.quickStats.overallMemoryUsage'),
host.get('summary.hardware.memorySize')) else
f"{host['summary.quickStats.overallMemoryUsage'] / host['summary.hardware.memorySize'] * 1048576:.0%}")
for host in hosts.values()], key=lambda h: h[0])
tabulate(hostsFormated, headers=('Name', 'Status', 'Power State', 'Up Time', 'CPU Usage', 'Memory Usage'), stralign='right'))
return hosts
def get_cdp(host: Union[str, vim.HostSystem], list_only=True):
if viServer is None:
print('Use ConnectVIServer first.')
if type(host) is str:
view = viServer.viewManager.CreateContainerView(viServer.rootFolder, [vim.HostSystem], True)
host = collect_properties(viServer, view, vim.HostSystem, ['name'], True, 'name').get(host)['obj']
table: List[dict] = []
# print('HostName', 'PhysicalNic', 'LinkSpeed (Mb)', 'SwitchID', 'Platform', 'IpAddress', 'PortId', 'Vlan', sep='\t')
for pnic in host.configManager.networkSystem.networkInfo.pnic:
entry = {
'device': pnic.device,
'pci': pnic.pci,
'mac': pnic.mac,
'linkSpeedMb': '-' if pnic.linkSpeed is None else pnic.linkSpeed.speedMb
for hint in host.configManager.networkSystem.QueryNetworkHint(pnic.device):
csp = hint.connectedSwitchPort
if csp is not None:
entry['switchId'] = csp.devId
entry['platform'] = csp.hardwarePlatform
entry['ipAddress'] = csp.address
entry['portId'] = csp.portId
entry['vlan'] = csp.vlan
# print(entry['host'], entry['device'], entry['linkSpeedMb'], entry['switchId'], entry['platform'],
# entry['ipAddress'], entry['portId'], entry['vlan'], sep='\t')
if list_only:
print(tabulate(table, headers='keys'))
return table
if __name__ == "__main__":
serviceInst = None
viServer = None
connect_viserver(input('Host address: '), input('Username: '), getpass())
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