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Last active June 18, 2019 12:31
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Git development styles

Mainline vs GitFlow

cygned on Jan 29, 2017 [-]

We currently use short-lived feature branches, merged via Pull Requests (+ review / automated testing) into the main development line. This way, we can communicate changes in a detailed manner before they are added to the product and make sure there is no unfished or bad code in the main branch. (The dev team is small, 5-8 devs). I don't see (yet?), what benefits TBD would provide in such a setup.

Write documentation, not code, in the workshop

Make a workshop_dev branch, then base the changes off that branch


  • Working on the functionality of the front end, while getting a emergency request that a backend issue needs to get fixed

My strategy: checkout a new branch off dev to work on the backend issue. After it's done, then pull the changes off dev into the front end feature branch I'm working in.

Simulate in workshop: after the attendees have been working on the documentation for 10 minutes, ask them to stop and "fix something"

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