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Created August 17, 2015 08:06
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Randomized with seed 2206
[rspec-sidekiq] WARNING! Sidekiq will *NOT* process jobs in this environment. See
....F.F......................................................................................................F...................unknown OID 705: failed to recognize type of 'period'. It will be treated as String.
1) Api::Sportbook::PinnacleEventsController GET #unmatched should not list events from the past
Failure/Error: expect(json_response).to eq(expected_result)
expected: [{"id"=>2, "home_team"=>"Welchfurt", "away_team"=>"Denesikburgh", "home_matched"=>false, "away_matched"=>false, "started"=>"2015-08-14 08:16:46 UTC", "name"=>"Welchfurt v Denesikburgh", "sport"=>"Pinnacle Sport", "competition"=>nil}]
got: []
(compared using ==)
@@ -1,10 +1,2 @@
- "home_team"=>"Welchfurt",
- "away_team"=>"Denesikburgh",
- "home_matched"=>false,
- "away_matched"=>false,
- "started"=>"2015-08-14 08:16:46 UTC",
- "name"=>"Welchfurt v Denesikburgh",
- "sport"=>"Pinnacle Sport",
- "competition"=>nil}]
# ./spec/controllers/api/sportbook/pinnacle_events_controller_spec.rb:35:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
2) Api::Sportbook::PinnacleEventsController GET #unmatched when the setting is set should exclude events
Failure/Error: expect(json_response).to eq(expected_result)
expected: [{"id"=>3, "home_team"=>"North Scottie", "away_team"=>"South Brooks", "home_matched"=>false, "away_matched"=>false, "started"=>"2015-08-14 08:16:46 UTC", "name"=>"North Scottie v South Brooks", "sport"=>"Pinnacle Sport", "competition"=>nil}]
got: []
(compared using ==)
@@ -1,10 +1,2 @@
- "home_team"=>"North Scottie",
- "away_team"=>"South Brooks",
- "home_matched"=>false,
- "away_matched"=>false,
- "started"=>"2015-08-14 08:16:46 UTC",
- "name"=>"North Scottie v South Brooks",
- "sport"=>"Pinnacle Sport",
- "competition"=>nil}]
# ./spec/controllers/api/sportbook/pinnacle_events_controller_spec.rb:61:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
3) Api::MarketingController GET index when there is data in db returns marketing data
Failure/Error: expect(json_response).to eq marketing_json
expected: [{"utm_source"=>"source", "signups"=>1, "depositors"=>0, "total_deposits"=>"0.0", "casino_turnover"=>"0.0", "casino_revenue"=>"0.0", "sports_turnover"=>"0.0", "sports_revenue"=>"0.0", "sports_commission"=>"0.0", "casino_commission"=>"0.0", "paid_bonus"=>"0.0", "new_bettors"=>0, "total_turnover"=>"0.0", "total_revenue"=>"0.0", "paid_commission"=>"0.0", "affiliate_id"=>nil, "email"=>nil}]
got: []
(compared using ==)
@@ -1,18 +1,2 @@
- "signups"=>1,
- "depositors"=>0,
- "total_deposits"=>"0.0",
- "casino_turnover"=>"0.0",
- "casino_revenue"=>"0.0",
- "sports_turnover"=>"0.0",
- "sports_revenue"=>"0.0",
- "sports_commission"=>"0.0",
- "casino_commission"=>"0.0",
- "paid_bonus"=>"0.0",
- "new_bettors"=>0,
- "total_turnover"=>"0.0",
- "total_revenue"=>"0.0",
- "paid_commission"=>"0.0",
- "affiliate_id"=>nil,
- "email"=>nil}]
# ./spec/controllers/api/marketing_controller_spec.rb:40:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
Top 5 slowest examples (31.4 seconds, 57.5% of total time):
Profit/Loss report Signing in with correct credentials
24.35 seconds ./spec/features/reports/profit_loss_report_spec.rb:6
Auditing player Auditing player bets
3.18 seconds ./spec/features/players/auditing_player_spec.rb:12
Auditing player Displays player summary
1.94 seconds ./spec/features/players/auditing_player_spec.rb:38
changing sportbook market settings changing grade in sport market
1.12 seconds ./spec/features/market_margin_settings_spec.rb:19
changing sportbook market settings changing value for is_primary market field
0.81021 seconds ./spec/features/market_margin_settings_spec.rb:46
Top 5 slowest example groups:
Profit/Loss report
24.35 seconds average (24.35 seconds / 1 example) ./spec/features/reports/profit_loss_report_spec.rb:3
Auditing player
2.56 seconds average (5.12 seconds / 2 examples) ./spec/features/players/auditing_player_spec.rb:3
changing sportbook market settings
0.96701 seconds average (1.93 seconds / 2 examples) ./spec/features/market_margin_settings_spec.rb:3
0.36283 seconds average (0.72566 seconds / 2 examples) ./spec/services/admins/create_spec.rb:3
Signing in
0.29563 seconds average (0.29563 seconds / 1 example) ./spec/features/signing_in_spec.rb:3
Finished in 54.66 seconds (files took 6.44 seconds to load)
414 examples, 3 failures
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/controllers/api/sportbook/pinnacle_events_controller_spec.rb:31 # Api::Sportbook::PinnacleEventsController GET #unmatched should not list events from the past
rspec ./spec/controllers/api/sportbook/pinnacle_events_controller_spec.rb:57 # Api::Sportbook::PinnacleEventsController GET #unmatched when the setting is set should exclude events
rspec ./spec/controllers/api/marketing_controller_spec.rb:38 # Api::MarketingController GET index when there is data in db returns marketing data
Randomized with seed 2206
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