- https://github.com/facebook/react-art
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21854938/using-mixins-vs-components-for-code-reuse-in-facebook-react
- http://www.slideshare.net/murilasso/the-case-for-reactjs-and-clojurescript
- https://speakerdeck.com/coodoo/why-react-and-flux-rock
- https://medium.com/@tomchentw/why-webpack-is-awesome-9691044b6b8e
- http://www.code-experience.com/avoiding-event-chains-in-single-page-applications/
- http://blog.krawaller.se/posts/a-react-js-case-study/
- http://react-components.com/
- https://speakerdeck.com/fisherwebdev/fluxchat
- https://github.com/spoike/refluxjs
- http://www.techsonian.net/2014/09/from-backbone-to-react-our-experience-scaling-a-web-application/
- immuntiable http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/update.html
- http://blog.risingstack.com/from-angularjs-to-react-the-isomorphic-way/
- http://snapsvg.io/
- http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/getting-started.html
- http://henleyedition.com/flip-a-reactjs-game/
- http://webdesignporto.com/react-js-an-interactive-tutorial-to-get-started/
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- onWheel:
- bookkeeping
- deltaY: +1 or -1 (means zoom in or zoom out)
- zoomX, zoomY: the point where triggers wheel
- bookkeeping
- scheduleZoom
- update new scale or not depends how large the wheel ticks
- compute the
to recompute the newx
- render:
- compute the matrix from state.{x,y,scale}
matrix( scale, 0,0,scale,x,y)
SVG Coordinate Transformations
klayjs for autolayout https://github.com/automata/klay-js
example commands of ethercalc
set sheet defaultcolor blue
set A width 100
set A1 value n 42
set A2 text t Hello
set A3 formula A1*2
set A4 empty
set A5 bgcolor green
merge A1:B2
unmerge A1
erase A2
cut A3
paste A4
copy A5
sort A1:B9 A up B down
name define Foo A1:A5
name desc Foo Used in formulas like SUM(Foo)
name delete Foo
startcmdextension UserDefined args
How does it implement unlimited undo/redo?
ExecuteSheetCommand 還可為執行的每個指令創建還原指令。舉例來說,如果儲存格 A1 包含 Foo,而使用者執行了 set A1 text Bar,則還原指令set A1 text Foo 會被推送到 UndoStack 裡。如果使用者進行還原操作,則會通過執行還原指令來讓 A1 的內容回到原先的值。
Does it predefine reverse operation for each command ?
important knowhow of replay
然而,我們在 2011 年 6 月實地測試雛型時,卻發現隨著協作編輯的執行時段愈長,就會出現愈嚴重的效能問題。由於試算表是長久存在的文件,因此經過數週的編輯,協作時段可能會累積數千筆的修改紀錄。
在前述的積存紀錄模型下,在新客戶端加入協作時段時,勢必遇上明顯的啟動延遲:它得先重新執行數千個指令,才能進行任何修改。為了減輕這個問題,我們採用了快照機制。每當 100 個指令傳送到協作時段後,伺服器就會調查線上每個客戶的狀態,然後將最新收到的快照儲存在積存紀錄中。新加入的客戶端僅需接收這個快照,以及快照儲存之後新輸入的指令即可。這樣一來,它最多只需要重新執行 99 個指令。
Server side state
transfer server side state to a new client and no history(undo data for it.
每個協作時段都對應到一個沙盒內的 SocialCalc 控制器,即時執行客戶端傳來的指令。當新客戶端加入時,伺服器僅需傳送試算表控制器內的最新狀態,從而徹底解決積存紀錄帶來的效能問題。
server side rendering isn't hard.
所以,我們移除了 RenderSheet 函式,用 20 行 LiveScript 代碼 重新實作了匯出 HTML 所需的極少數 DOM 介面,然後再運行了一次效能分析器:
similar cloud architecture
full function but web 1.0 UI
L3 route analysis
excellent SVG on browser overview -- Leaving Pixels Behind by Todd Parker
/* @jsx React.DOM */