baz:= []int {3,4,5}
baz:= [3]int // error! 缺乏初值
- var 可以給初值也可以不給
http = require("http") | |
url = require("url") | |
path = require("path") | |
fs = require("fs") | |
dirname = '.' | |
servfunc = (request, response) -> | |
uri = url.parse(request.url).pathname | |
filename = path.join( dirname, uri) | |
fs.exists filename, (exists) -> |
os =require 'os' | |
dgram = require 'dgram' | |
test_send = (ifaddr)-> | |
MDNS_PORT = 5354 # OSX refuses app to use port 5353 | |
s = dgram.createSocket('udp4') | |
ver = Number(process.versions.node.split('.')[1]) | |
if ver==10 | |
s.bind MDNS_PORT, ifaddr, -> |
Intrising technologies is a custom electronics design services company focusing on communication devices for mission critical scenarios. The main application includes L2/L3 ethernet switches used in mobile backhaul, factory automation, smart rail and power planets. With years of strong experience in protocol implementation and firmware engineering, Intrising provides the electronic design consulting services as well as full turnkey product from development to mass production.
In 2012, Intrising announced the world’s first industrial Ethernet switch supporting ITU.G8032. With the sub 50ms convergence time, they offer customer can get ultra-fast failure recovery without sacrificing interoperability.
A2e Technologies is a Custom Electronics Design Services (EDS) firm.
As one of the top Product Design Companies in the industry, we provide embedded systems and electronic product design consulting services as well as full turnkey product development through our multiple design centers. We provide everythi
struct 真的是copy value , 要用 pointer 才能指到同一個 struct variable
package main
import "fmt"
type myst struct {
age int
import "github.com/vmihailenco/msgpack" 有很多限制
based net/rpc
codec. simulate the following two apis
doesn't cover this. It's required to create a server to receive calls.require
has been asked in robertkrimen/otto#41Buffer
and other stuff in NodeJS probably will be done in https://github.com/ddliu/nodego