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Last active October 21, 2021 04:46
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# Predefined methods
class Stack:
def __init__(self):
self.__items = []
def is_empty(self):
return self.__items == []
def push(self, item):
def pop(self):
if self.is_empty():
raise IndexError('ERROR: The stack is empty!')
return self.__items.pop()
def peek(self):
if self.is_empty():
raise IndexError('ERROR: The stack is empty!')
return self.__items[len(self.__items) - 1]
def size(self):
return len(self.__items)
def __str__(self):
return 'Stack: ' + str(self.__items)
def contains_digit(my_str):
for c in my_str:
if c.isdigit():
return True
return False
def decompress(comp_str):
if comp_str == '' or not contains_digit(comp_str):
return comp_str
repeats = Stack()
for i in range(len(comp_str)):
if comp_str[i].isdigit():
if repeats.size() == 0 or repeats.peek()[0] != int(comp_str[i]):
repeats.push((int(comp_str[i]), i))
elif repeats.peek()[0] == int(comp_str[i]):
n, start = repeats.pop()
return decompress(comp_str[:start] + comp_str[start+1: i] * n + comp_str[i+1:])
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