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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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Pomm 2 examples
use \PommProject\Foundation\Pomm;
$loader = require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
$loader->add(null, __DIR__.'/sources/lib');
// customize the DSN with your database parameters.
return new Pomm(['elcaro' =>
'dsn' => 'pgsql://user:pass@host:port/db_name',
'class:session_builder' => '\PommProject\ModelManager\SessionBuilder'
namespace Model\Elcaro\ElcaroSchema;
use PommProject\ModelManager\Model\FlexibleEntity;
* Employee
* Flexible entity for relation
* elcaro.employee
* @see FlexibleEntity
class Employee extends FlexibleEntity
public function getFirstName()
return ucwords($this->get('first_name'));
public function getLastName()
return strtoupper($this->get('last_name'));
namespace Model\Elcaro\ElcaroSchema;
use PommProject\ModelManager\Model\Model;
use PommProject\ModelManager\Model\Projection;
use PommProject\ModelManager\Model\ModelTrait\WriteQueries;
use PommProject\Foundation\Where;
use Model\Elcaro\ElcaroSchema\AutoStructure\Employee as EmployeeStructure;
use Model\Elcaro\ElcaroSchema\Employee;
* EmployeeModel
* Model class for table employee.
* @see Model
class EmployeeModel extends Model
use WriteQueries;
* __construct()
* Model constructor
* @access public
* @return void
public function __construct()
$this->structure = new EmployeeStructure;
$this->flexible_entity_class = "\Model\Elcaro\ElcaroSchema\Employee";
public function createProjection()
return parent::createProjection()
->setField('age', 'age(%birth_date)', 'interval')
$ php vendor/bin/pomm.php generate:schema-all -a Model -d sources/lib elcaro elcaro
✓ Creating file 'sources/lib/Model/Elcaro/ElcaroSchema/AutoStructure/Department.php'.
✓ Creating file 'sources/lib/Model/Elcaro/ElcaroSchema/DepartmentModel.php'.
✓ Creating file 'sources/lib/Model/Elcaro/ElcaroSchema/Department.php'.
✓ Creating file 'sources/lib/Model/Elcaro/ElcaroSchema/AutoStructure/Employee.php'.
✓ Creating file 'sources/lib/Model/Elcaro/ElcaroSchema/EmployeeModel.php'.
✓ Creating file 'sources/lib/Model/Elcaro/ElcaroSchema/Employee.php'.
use PommProject\Foundation\Where;
$pomm = require __DIR__."/.pomm_cli_bootstrap.php";
$employees = $pomm['elcaro']
->findWhere(new Where('birth_date < $* and not is_manager', ['1980-01-01']))
foreach ($employees as $employee) {
"%s %s '%s' old dept %s salary %s€.\n",
$employee['age']->format('%y years %m months'),
number_format($employee['day_salary'], 0, ',', ' ')
$ php vendor/bin/pomm.php inspect:relation elcaro employee elcaro
Relation elcaro.employee
| pk | name | type | default | notnull | comment |
| * | employee_id | int4 | nextval('employee_employee_id_seq'::regclass) | yes | |
| | first_name | varchar | | yes | |
| | last_name | varchar | | yes | |
| | birth_date | date | | yes | |
| | is_manager | bool | false | yes | |
| | day_salary | numeric | | yes | |
| | department_id | int4 | | yes | |
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brikou commented Apr 13, 2015

Hey Gregoire can you provide me a simple example explaining how to embed/hydrate a nested model (mymodel_id field) using a natural join for example. Searching for best practices, cheer (BTW your lib rocks!)

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