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Created May 23, 2016 18:05
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Finding shortest substrings that contain all strings in a given list
* find the shortest substring of str containing the strings str1 str2,...,strm in a list
(* use core for more efficient with long strings *)
open Core.Std
open Printf
* find substring sub in string str forward from pos
let find_sub str pos sub =
let r = Str.regexp_string sub in
Str.search_forward r str pos
* find substring sub in string str backward from pos
let rfind_sub str pos sub =
let r = Str.regexp_string sub in
Str.search_backward r str pos
* get the substring from findex to lindex inclding characters at findex and lindex
let get_substring str findex lindex =
let sub = String.sub str findex (lindex - findex + 1) in
Some sub
Invalid_argument e -> None
* min element in a list
let min_element l =
let h = List.hd l in
match h with
| None -> -1
| Some i -> List.fold_left l ~init:i ~f:(fun a b -> if a <= b then a else b)
* max element in a list
let max_element l =
let h = List.hd l in
match h with
| None -> -1
| Some i -> List.fold_left l ~init:i ~f:(fun a b -> if a >= b then a else b)
(* print all strings in the list of indices *)
let print_lstr_index des str lindex =
printf "-------------------------------\n";
printf "%s\n" des;
let lstr_opt = lindex
(fun x ->
let fi,li = x in
get_substring str fi li)
List.iter lstr_opt ~f: (fun s_opt ->
match s_opt with
| None -> printf "Invalid indices\n"
| Some s -> printf "%s\n" s);
printf "-------------------------------\n"
(* print all strings in a list *)
let print_lstr des lstr =
printf "-------------------------------\n";
printf "%s\n" des;
List.iter lstr ~f: (fun s -> printf "%s\n" s);
printf "-------------------------------\n"
(* print a list of indices *)
let print_lindex des lindex =
printf "-------------------------------\n";
printf "%s\n" des;
List.iter lindex ~f: (fun s -> let x,y = s in printf "(%i,%i)\n" x y);
printf "-------------------------------\n"
* compare two pair of indices
let index_compare x y =
let x1, x2 = x in
let y1, y2 = y in
if (x1 = y1 && x2 = y2) then 0
else if ((x1 < y1) || (x1 = y1 && x2 <= y2)) then -1
else 1
* update the set shortest substrings
* if new_sub is not longer, then add it to the set
let update_lshortest_substr l i =
let a_opt = List.hd l in
match a_opt with
| None -> [ i ]
| Some a ->
let i1, i2 = i in
let a1, a2 = a in
if ((i2 - i1) = (a2 - a1)) then
i :: l
else if ((i2 - i1) < (a2 - a1)) then
[ i ]
else l
* find the first occurence of a substring in str that contains all strings in lstr
* return the first and list indices of that substring
* For example,
* str = "This is a This string"
* lstr = ["This"; "a"]
* return = (0, 8)
let sub_lstr str lstr =
let length_list = lstr (String.length) in
(* list of first occurence indices of all strings in lstr *)
let findex_list = lstr (find_sub str 0) in
(* return the first occurence of substring containing all strings in lstr *)
let lindex_list = List.map2_exn findex_list length_list (+) in
((min_element findex_list), ((max_element lindex_list) - 1))
| Invalid_argument e -> (-1, -1)
| Not_found -> (-1, -1)
* find the last occurence of a substring in str that contains all strings in lstr
* return the first and list indices of that substring
* For example,
* str = "This is a This string"
* lstr = ["This"; "a"]
* return = (8, 13)
let rsub_lstr str lstr =
let length_list = lstr (String.length) in
(* list of first occurence indices of all strings in lstr *)
let findex_list = lstr (rfind_sub str (String.length str - 1)) in
(* return the last occurence of substring containing all strings in lstr *)
let lindex_list = List.map2_exn findex_list length_list (+) in
((min_element findex_list), ((max_element lindex_list) - 1))
| Invalid_argument e -> (-1, -1)
| Not_found -> (-1, -1)
* find the shortest substring that containing all strings in the list
* str : the string for searching
* lstr : list of searching strings
* n : the number of substrings containing all strings in lstr
* lshortest_substr : return a list of (findex,lindex) indicate the locations of shortest substrings containing all strings in the lstr
let rec find_shortest_substrings_aux n lshortest_substr str lstr offset =
if (String.is_empty str) then
(n, lshortest_substr)
(* find forward a substring containing the strings in lstr *)
let substr_index = sub_lstr str lstr in
if (substr_index = (-1, -1)) then
(* not found return the result *)
(n, lshortest_substr)
(* updated lshortest_substr an find the next substring from fi + 1 to the end of str *)
let fi, li = substr_index in
find_shortest_substrings_aux (n + 1) (update_lshortest_substr lshortest_substr (fi + offset, li + offset)) (String.sub str (fi + 1) (String.length str - (fi + 1))) lstr (offset + fi + 1)
let find_shortest_substrings str list_strings =
(* remove all empty strings in the lstr *)
let lstr_tmp = List.filter list_strings (fun x -> not (String.is_empty x)) in
(* remove all duplicate strings in lstr_tmp *)
let lstr = List.dedup ~compare:(compare) lstr_tmp in
if (List.is_empty lstr) then
(-1, [(0,-1)]) (* empty string *)
else if (String.is_empty str) then
(0, [(-1,-1)])
(* find the first occurrence of substring containing the strings in lstr *)
let substr_index = sub_lstr str lstr in
if (substr_index = (-1,-1)) then
(0, [(-1,-1)])
let fi, li = substr_index in
let (n, lshortest_substr) = find_shortest_substrings_aux 1 [substr_index] (String.sub str (fi + 1) (String.length str - (fi + 1))) lstr (fi + 1) in
(* remove all duplicates before return *)
(n, List.dedup ~compare:(index_compare) lshortest_substr)
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