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Created May 23, 2016 18:16
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Extra List Implementation
let rec last l =
match l with
| [] -> None
| [x] -> Some x
| _::t -> last t
let biggest_prefix l =
let rec bpre_aux xs ys = match xs with
| [] -> ys
| [x] -> ys
| h::t -> bpre_aux t (h::ys)
List.rev (bpre_aux l [])
let rec truncate a l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| h::t ->
if (h = a) then t
else truncate a t
let rec catenate l1 l2 =
match l1 with
| [] -> l2
| h::t -> h::(catenate t l2)
let prefixes l =
let rec pre_aux xs ys = match xs with
| [] -> ys
| h::t -> let bpre = biggest_prefix xs in pre_aux bpre (bpre::ys)
in pre_aux l [l]
let rec suffixes l =
match l with
| [] -> [ [] ]
| h::t -> l::(suffixes t)
let print l f =
let rec print_aux al printfunction = match al with
| [] -> ()
| h::t -> print_string (" " ^ (printfunction h)); print_aux t printfunction
print_string "["; print_aux l f; print_string " ]"
let print_pre_suffixes l f =
let rec print_aux al printfunction = match al with
| [] -> ()
| h::t -> print_string " "; print h printfunction; print_aux t printfunction
print_string "["; print_aux l f; print_string " ]"
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