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Created September 17, 2012 20:18
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Book recommendations
@channingwalton Recently read »I, Robot« from Asimov. The short stories are entertaining and very thoughtful.
@channingwalton I would like a wizard where I tell it I like Asimov (especially Daneel and Giskard) and Clarke, and it recommends others.
@channingwalton pretty much anything by Alastair Reynolds. House of Suns is particularly great.
@channingwalton I’ve enjoyed the Laundry novels by Charles Stross.
@channingwalton "Wool" series by Hugh Howey.
@channingwalton recently i reread zamyatin's "we" and imo it is as good as "1984" or "A brave new world"
@channingwalton Try or
@channingwalton well it's not new, but currently enjoying Julian May's Saga of The Exiles series again.
@channingwalton thoroughly enjoyed Spinward Fringe Origins. Classic space opera, and free!
@channingwalton I loved Traitor by @Mark_Eller. It is a free on kindle and free on
@channingwalton I'm reading cloud atlas, which is not strictly scifi but close. Enjoying it so far...
@channingwalton Kim Stanley Robinson - The "Mars" Trilogy. Or "Ready Player One"
I've also enjoyed books by Iain M Banks (Culture novels), Alistair Reynolds, Only Forward by Michael Marshall Smith, Orson Scott Card.
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