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Last active December 19, 2015 13:19
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An implementation of creating a Christmas tree. The idea was to try to create a solution by composing reusable functions as an alternative to the example here
object Trees extends App {
def zero = '0'
def repeat(c: Char)(n: Int) = c.toString * n
def reflect(centre: Char)(s: String) = s.reverse + centre + s
def pad(w: Int, c: Char)(s: String) = s.padTo(w - 1, c)
def line(w: Int, centre: Char)(n: Int) = repeat(zero) _ andThen pad(w, ' ') _ andThen reflect(centre) _ apply (n)
def star(w: Int) = Seq(line(w, '*')(0))
def apply(w: Int): Seq[String] = star(w) ++ Seq.tabulate(w)(line(w, zero))
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