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Created March 7, 2014 17:52
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Turning nulls into zeroes, zeroes into empties
object MonoidHomomorphism extends App {
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
* Turn any null into the Zero value for its type
def nullAsZero[T: Monoid : Equal](a: T) = if (a == null) implicitly[Monoid[T]].zero else a
* turn a Zero value of A into an empty M, or put a into an M
def zeroToEmpty[A : Equal: Monoid, M[_] : Applicative : PlusEmpty](a: A): M[A] =
if (a.isMZero) PlusEmpty[M].empty else Applicative[M].point(a)
* Turn null of T into empty M, or put a into M
def nullToEmpty[T: Monoid : Equal, M[_] : Applicative : PlusEmpty](a: T) = zeroToEmpty[T, M](nullAsZero(a))
println(zeroToEmpty[String, Option]("")) // None
println(zeroToEmpty[String, Option]("a")) // Some("a")
val v: String = null
println(nullToEmpty[String, Option](v)) // None
println(zeroToEmpty[Int, List](0)) // Nil
println(zeroToEmpty[Int, List](1)) // List(1)
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