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Last active December 17, 2023 19:47
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Stored properties in Swift Extensions in Swifty way
import Foundation
import UIKit
extension CustomView {
// can make private
static let storedProperties = WeakDictionary<UIView, Properties>()
struct Properties {
var url: String = ""
var status = false
var desc: String { "url: \(url), status: \(status)" }
var properties: Properties {
get {
return CustomView.storedProperties.get(forKey: self) ?? Properties()
set {
CustomView.storedProperties.set(forKey: self, object: newValue)
var view: CustomView? = CustomView()
print("1 print", view?.properties.desc ?? "nil")
view?.properties.url = "abc"
view?.properties.status = true
print("2 print", view?.properties.desc ?? "nil")
view = nil
import Foundation
import UIKit
private class WeakHolder<T: AnyObject>: Hashable {
weak var object: T?
let hash: Int
init(object: T) {
self.object = object
hash = ObjectIdentifier(object).hashValue
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
static func ==(lhs: WeakHolder, rhs: WeakHolder) -> Bool {
return lhs.hash == rhs.hash
class WeakDictionary<T1: AnyObject, T2> {
private var dictionary = [WeakHolder<T1>: T2]()
func set(forKey: T1, object: T2?) {
dictionary[WeakHolder(object: forKey)] = object
func get(forKey: T1) -> T2? {
let obj = dictionary[WeakHolder(object: forKey)]
return obj
func forEach(_ handler: ((key: T1, value: T2)) -> Void) {
dictionary.forEach {
if let object = $0.key.object, let value = dictionary[$0.key] {
handler((object, value))
func clean() {
var removeList = [WeakHolder<T1>]()
dictionary.forEach {
if $0.key.object == nil {
removeList.forEach {
dictionary[$0] = nil
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