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Last active March 3, 2021 16:46
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module Bridge where
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Tree as DTree
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- Note that user must ensure there is at least one (0, x) in pieces
pieces :: [Piece]
pieces = [(0,2), (2,2), (2,3), (3,4), (3,5), (0,1), (10,1), (9,10)]
main = do
print $ calcPaths . buildTree $ (0, buildPool pieces)
print $ bestChain pieces
type Piece = (Int, Int)
type Pool = Map.Map Int [Int]
type Path = [Int]
type Chain = [Piece]
addPiece :: Piece -> Pool -> Pool
addPiece (m, n) = if m /= n
then add m n . add n m
else add m n
add m n pool =
case Map.lookup m pool of
Nothing -> Map.insert m [n] pool
Just lst -> Map.insert m (n : lst) pool
removePiece :: Piece -> Pool -> Pool
removePiece (m, n) = if m /= n
then rem m n . rem n m
else rem m n
rem :: Int -> Int -> Pool -> Pool
rem m n pool =
case fromJust $ Map.lookup m pool of
[] -> Map.delete m pool
lst -> Map.insert m (delete n lst) pool
buildPool :: [Piece] -> Pool
buildPool = foldr addPiece Map.empty
buildTree :: (Int, Pool) -> DTree.Tree Int
buildTree = DTree.unfoldTree f
where f :: (Int, Pool) -> (Int, [(Int, Pool)])
f (n, pool) = case Map.lookup n pool of
Nothing -> (n, [])
Just ms -> (n, [(m, removePiece (n, m) pool)| m <-ms])
calcPaths :: DTree.Tree Int -> [Path]
calcPaths = DTree.foldTree f
where f :: Int -> [[Path]] -> [Path]
f n [] = [[n]]
f n xs = map (n:) $ concat xs
pairs :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
pairs xs = zip xs (tail xs)
bestChain :: [Piece] -> Int
bestChain xs = maxScore . pathsToChains . calcPaths . buildTree $ (0, buildPool xs)
where pathsToChains :: [Path] -> [Chain]
pathsToChains = map pairs
maxScore :: [Chain] -> Int
maxScore = maximum . map (\xs -> sum . map (\(m,n) -> m + n) $ xs)
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chansey97 commented May 28, 2020

Made 2 changes to

  1. Use foldTree f and unfoldTree g in Data.Tree directly.
buildTree :: (Int, Pool) -> DTree.Tree Int
buildTree = DTree.unfoldTree f
  where f :: (Int, Pool) -> (Int, [(Int, Pool)])
        f (n, pool) = case Map.lookup n pool of
                        Nothing -> (n, [])
                        Just ms -> (n, [(m, removePiece (n, m) pool)| m <- ms])
calcPaths :: DTree.Tree Int -> [Path]
calcPaths = DTree.foldTree f
  where f :: Int -> [[Path]] -> [Path]
        f n [] = [[n]]
        f n xs = map (n:) $ concat xs
  1. Turn a rose tree into a list of paths instead of a list of chains and then convert paths to chains by zip. To me, it seems to be more clear.
pairs :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
pairs xs = zip xs (tail xs)
bestChain :: [Piece] -> Int
bestChain xs = maxScore . pathsToChains . calcPaths . buildTree $ (0, buildPool xs)
  where pathsToChains :: [Path] -> [Chain]
        pathsToChains = map pairs
        maxScore :: [Chain] -> Int
        maxScore = maximum . map (\xs -> sum . map (\(m,n) -> m + n) $ xs)

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