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Created March 3, 2021 16:41
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An imperative stack implementation in Racket.
#lang racket
(provide (except-out (all-defined-out)
(struct exn:fail:stack exn:fail ())
(struct stack ([vector]
[top #:mutable])
(define (make-stack [size 100])
(stack (make-vector size) -1))
(define (push!-one s x)
(let ((s-vector (stack-vector s))
(s-top (stack-top s)))
(set-stack-top! s (+ s-top 1))
(vector-set! s-vector (stack-top s) x)
(define (push! s x . xs)
(push!-one s x)
(for ([y xs])
(push!-one s y)))
(define (pop! s)
(if (equal? (stack-top s) -1)
(raise (exn:fail:stack "stack underflow" (current-continuation-marks)))
(let* ((s-vector (stack-vector s))
(s-top (stack-top s))
(s-top-x (vector-ref s-vector s-top)))
(vector-set! s-vector s-top #f)
(set-stack-top! s (- s-top 1))
(define (peek s)
(if (equal? (stack-top s) -1)
(raise (exn:fail:stack "stack underflow" (current-continuation-marks)))
(vector-ref (stack-vector s) (stack-top s))))
(define (stack-empty? s)
(equal? (stack-top s) -1))
(define (stack->list s)
(define s-vector (stack-vector s))
(define s-top (stack-top s))
(define (stack->list-iter i acc)
(if (< i 0)
(stack->list-iter (- i 1)
(cons (vector-ref s-vector i) acc))))
(stack->list-iter s-top '()))
(module+ test
(require rackunit rackunit/text-ui)
(define stack-tests
"Tests for stack"
(let ((the-stack (make-stack)))
(check-exn exn:fail:stack? (λ () (pop! the-stack)))
(check-exn exn:fail:stack? (λ () (peek the-stack)))
(check-equal? (stack->list the-stack) '())
(push! the-stack 1)
(push! the-stack 2)
(push! the-stack 3)
(push! the-stack 4)
(push! the-stack 5)
(check-equal? (pop! the-stack) 5)
(check-equal? (pop! the-stack) 4)
(check-equal? (pop! the-stack) 3)
(check-equal? (peek the-stack) 2)
(check-equal? (stack->list the-stack) '(1 2))
(push! the-stack 6 7 8)
(check-equal? (stack->list the-stack) '(1 2 6 7 8))
(run-tests stack-tests)
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