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chanux/ Secret

Last active March 12, 2021 03:40
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Jump to a directory up the tree by name
function xs
# go to /home/chanux/down from /home/chanux/down/the/rabbithole/we/go
# by typing xs down
# you might also like za
set matches (echo "$PWD" | grep -o "/$argv[1][^/]*/" | wc -l)
if test $matches -gt 1
cd (echo $PWD | sed "s:/$argv[1]/.*:/:")$argv[1]
else if echo "$PWD" | grep -q "/$argv[1]/"; test $status -eq 0
cd (echo $PWD | sed "s:$argv[1].*::")$argv[1]
xs() {
# For BASH and ZSH
if [[ "$PWD" == */$1/* ]]
cd ${PWD%$1*}$1
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chanux commented Dec 12, 2017

Had this idea while using za today. Quickly implemented for my shell <"><
Not too shabby!

Known bug: If there are multiple directories by the same name, it'd go to the farthest

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