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Created June 7, 2009 23:39
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Save chanwit/125532 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import org.zkoss.zkgrails.*
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.scaffolding.*
class ScaffoldComposer extends GrailsComposer {
static scaffold = Event
def grailsApplication
def lblTitle
def boxMain
// 1. wire events
// 2. add paginate
// 3. add annotation (if possible)
// 4. refactor it to another class,
// probably in to org.zkoss.zkgrails.scaffolding.DefaultScaffoldingTemplate
// 5. name to Name, createdDate to Created Date
// 6. i18n
def afterCompose = { window ->
// lblTitle.value =
def dc = grailsApplication.getDomainClass(
def props = ( as Object[]).findAll { != "id" && != "version"
props = props.sort(new DomainClassPropertyComparator(dc))
boxMain.append {
listbox(id: "lstToDo", multiple:true, rows: 10) {
listhead {
props.each { p ->
groupbox {
caption(label: "${}")
hbox {
button(id:"btnAdd", label:"add")
button(id:"btnUpdate", label:"update")
button(id:"btnDelete", label:"delete")
button(id:"btnRefresh", label:"refresh")
separator(bar: true)
grid {
rows {
props.each { p ->
row {
textbox(id: "fd${}")
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