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Last active December 14, 2015 14:18
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Save chanwit/5099358 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Toodledo command via Twitter
name: ["todo", "task"],
description: ("Add a task to Toodledo at most " + TWITTER_STATUS_MAXLEN + " characters."),
help: ("You'll need a <a href=\"\">Twitter account</a>," +
" to add task. If the account isn't already authorized," +
" you'll be asked for password."),
icon: "",
arguments: [
{role: "object", label: _("status"), nountype: noun_arb_text},
{role: "alias", label: _("user"), nountype: noun_type_twitter_user}],
preview: function twitter_preview(previewBlock, args) {
var statusText = args.object.text;
if (!statusText) return void this.previewDefault(previewBlock);
var username = args.alias.text || (Bin.twitterLastLogin() || 0).username;
var remaining = TWITTER_STATUS_MAXLEN - statusText.length;
var previewTemplate = (
_("Updates Twitter status of ${username} to:") +
"<p><strong class='status'>${status}</strong></p>" +
_("Characters remaining: ${chars}") +
(remaining >= 0 ? "" :
"<br/><strong class='warning'>" +
_("The last ${truncate} characters will be truncated!",
{truncate: "<b class='truncate'>" + -remaining + "</b>"}) +
"</strong>") +
"<p><small>" +
_("tip: tweet @mozillaubiquity for help") +
previewBlock.innerHTML = (
"<div class='twitter'>" +
CmdUtils.renderTemplate(previewTemplate, {
status: Utils.escapeHtml(statusText),
username: ("<b class='username'>" +
(username ? Utils.escapeHtml(username) : "??") + "</b>"),
chars: "<b class='remaining'>" + remaining + "</b>",
}) +
execute: function twitter_execute({object: {text}, alias}) {
var me = this;
if (!text) return me._show(_("requires a status to be entered"));
var oldText = text;
text = "d toodledo " + text + " *Inbox";
var login = || Bin.twitterLastLogin() || {};
me._auth(login, function twitter_tweet(username, key, secret) {
url: "",
data: {status: text = text.slice(0, TWITTER_STATUS_MAXLEN)},
dataType: "json",
success: function twitter_success(res) {
me._show(oldText, username, text === res.text && function twitter_onclick() {
"" + username + "/status/" + res.id_str);
error: function twitter_error(xhr) {
me._show(_("error - status not updated") + " / " +
xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText,
}, {token: key, tokenSecret: secret});
Bin.twitterLastLogin({username: username, password: ""});
_show: function twitter_show(text, user, cb) {
var title =;
if (user) title += " \u2013 " + user;
displayMessage({icon: this.icon, title: title, text: text, onclick: cb});
_post: function twitter_post(settings, accessor) {
settings.type = "POST";
accessor.consumerKey = "C6h2HUUjmOcqXTtPRYqAVg";
accessor.consumerSecret = "AYNHPfkpm5lL3uPKXRCuzGFYItA8EOWlrkajyEBOd6s";
return $.ajax(OAuth.completeAjaxSettings(settings, accessor));
_auth: function twitter_auth({username, password}, cb) {
username = username && username.toLowerCase();
var keys = CmdUtils.loadPassword("TwitterOAuth", username);
if (keys) return cb.apply(this, [username].concat(keys.split(" ")));
const APIURL = "";
if (!username || !password) {
let un = {value: username || ""};
let pw = {value: password || ""};
let ok = Utils.PromptService.promptUsernameAndPassword(
context.chromeWindow,, APIURL, un, pw, null, {});
if (!ok || !un.value || !pw.value) return;
username = un.value.toLowerCase();
password = pw.value;
var me = this;
url: APIURL,
data: {
x_auth_mode: "client_auth",
x_auth_username: username,
x_auth_password: password,
success: function twitter_xAuth_success(res) {
var {oauth_token, oauth_token_secret} = Utils.urlToParams(res);
name: "TwitterOAuth",
username: username,
password: oauth_token + " " + oauth_token_secret,
});, username, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret);
error: function twitter_xAuth_error(xhr) {
var status = xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText;
Cu.reportError("Twitter xAuth for " + username + ": " + status);
me._show(status, username);
}, {});
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