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Easy to understand implementation of beam search algorithm used in decoder of seq2seq models
"""NumPy implementation of Beam Search. Can be used for decoding in Seq2Seq
models or transformer.
for an in-depth disucssion.
import numpy as np
NEG_INF = -1e9
SOS_ID = 0
EOS_ID = 1
class BeamSearch(object):
"""Beam Search Decoder.
This implementation of beam search adopts the aggressive strategy -- we
maintain the maximum number of `beam_width` active threads of searches (i.e.
sequences that have not yet reached EOS_ID), even though some active searches
may eventually turn into finished ones. This way we can make sure that the
maximum number of active candidate sequences are considered in each decoding
step, because some of them may end up with higher scores than previously
finished searches (i.e. those that reached EOS_ID).
The loop invariants maintained over the search iterations are as follows:
* CUR_INDEX: the current index of the iteration.
* ACTIVE_SEQ: top-scoring active sequences.
* ACTIVE_CACHE: dict storing the cache values used during the ongoing searches
for active sequences.
* FINISHED_SEQ: top-scoring finished sequences.
* FINISHED_SCORES: scores (log-probs / length_norm) of FINISHED_SEQ
* FINISHED_FLAGS: values indicating whether entries in FINISHED_SEQ and
FINISHED_SCORES are real finished seqs or just placeholders.
def __init__(self,
decoding_fn: a callable, which is the interface to the Transformer model.
The input arguments are:
ids: tensor of shape [batch_size*beam_width, 1].
index: int scalar.
cache: nested dictionary of tensors [batch_size*beam_width, ...].
The function returns a tuple of logits and the updated cache:
logits: a tensor of shape [batch*beam_width, vocab_size].
updated_cache: nested dictionary with the same structure as the
input cache.
vocab_size: int scalar, the size of the vocabulary, used for topk
batch_size: int scalar, the inference batch size.
beam_width: int scalar, number of beams for beam search.
alpha: float scalar, defining the strength of length normalization.
max_decode_length: int scalar, the maximum number of steps to decode
a sequence.
eos_id: int scalar. ID of end of sentence token.
self._decoding_fn = decoding_fn
self._vocab_size = vocab_size
self._batch_size = batch_size
self._beam_width = beam_width
self._alpha = alpha
self._max_decode_length = max_decode_length
self._eos_id = eos_id
self._doubled_beam_width = 2 * self._beam_width
self._length_normalization = lambda length: np.power(
(5. + float(length)) / 6., self._alpha)
def search(self, initial_ids, initial_cache):
"""Searches for sequences with greatest log-probs by keeping track of
`beam_width` most promising candidates (i.e. beams).
initial_ids: int tensor of shape [batch_size], populated with initial ids
(i.e. SOS_ID).
initial_cache: dict of entries
'encoder_outputs': tensor of shape [batch_size, src_seq_len,
'padding_mask': tensor of shape [batch_size, 1, 1, src_seq_len],
and entries with keys 'layer_0',...,'layer_[decoder_num_layers - 1]'
where the value associated with key 'layer_*' is a dict with entries
'k': tensor of shape [batch_size, 0, num_heads, size_per_head],
'v': tensor of shape [batch_size, 0, num_heads, size_per_head].
'tgt_tgt_attention': tensor of shape [batch_size, num_heads,
0, 0],
'tgt_src_attention': tensor of shape [batch_size, num_heads,
0, src_seq_len].
finished_seqs: int tensor of shape [batch_size, beam_width,
decode_seq_len], the finished decoded sequences over all beams.
finished_scores: float tensor of shape [batch_size, beam_width], the
scores of finished decoded sequences over all beams.
tgt_tgt_attention: a list of `decoder_stack_size` float tensor of shape
[batch_size, num_heads, tgt_seq_len, tgt_seq_len], target-to-target
attention weights.
tgt_src_attention: a list of `decoder_stack_size` float tensor of shape
[batch_size, num_heads, tgt_seq_len, src_seq_len], target-to-source
attention weights.
state = self._create_initial_state(initial_ids, initial_cache)
#finished_state = tf.while_loop(
# self._continue_search, self._search_step, loop_vars=[state],
# parallel_iterations=1, back_prop=False)
while self._continue_search(state):
state = self._search_step(state)[0]
finished_state = state
active_seqs = finished_state[ACTIVE_SEQ]
active_log_probs = finished_state[ACTIVE_LOG_PROBS]
finished_seqs = finished_state[FINISHED_SEQ]
finished_scores = finished_state[FINISHED_SCORES]
finished_flags = finished_state[FINISHED_FLAGS]
active_cache = finished_state[ACTIVE_CACHE]
# flag it True if any beam in a thread of seach in a batch is finished
# [batch_size]
finished_cond = np.any(finished_flags, axis=1)
# if none of the beams end with finished seqs, we return the remaining
# active seqs.
# [batch_size, beam_width, decode_seq_len]
finished_seqs = np.where(finished_cond[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],
finished_seqs, active_seqs)
# [batch_size, beam_width]
finished_scores = np.where(finished_cond[:, np.newaxis],
finished_scores, active_log_probs)
return finished_seqs, finished_scores
def _create_initial_state(self, initial_ids, initial_cache):
"""Creates initial loop invariant tensors and their shapes. This function
expands the dimensions and tiles the tensors to match beam width, so that
each beam has its own state (active and finished seqs, scores, and caches).
initial_ids: see `initial_ids` in `search`.
initial_cache: see `initial_cache` in `search`.
state: a dict with the following entries
'CUR_INDEX': int scalar tensor, initialized to 0.
'ACTIVE_SEQ': tensor of shape [batch_size, beam_width, 1].
'ACTIVE_LOG_PROBS': tensor of shape [batch_size, beam_width].
'ACTIVE_CACHE': a dict of the same structure as input `initial_cache`,
except that each tensor is expanded and tiled to shape
[batch_size, beam_width, ...].
'FINISHED_SEQ': tensor of shape [batch_size, beam_width, 1].
'FINISHED_SCORES': tensor of shape [batch_size, beam_width].
'FINISHED_FLAGS': tensor of shape [batch_size, beam_width].
state_shape_invariants: a dict with the same structure as `state`, where
the values are the shape of the corresponding tensor.
cur_index = np.array(0)
active_seq = _tile_beam_width(initial_ids, self._beam_width)
active_seq = np.expand_dims(active_seq, axis=2)
# set the log-probs of all beams to -inf except that the first beam set to
# zero, so that we are effectively using only the first beam in the first
# decoding step
# active_log_probs: [batch_size, beam_width]
active_log_probs = np.tile(np.array(
[[0.] + [-float("inf")] * (self._beam_width - 1)], dtype='float32'),
[self._batch_size, 1])
# expand and tile tensors in `active_cache` to `beam_width`
active_cache = map_structure(lambda tensor:
_tile_beam_width(tensor, self._beam_width), initial_cache)
# initialize `finished_seq` and `finishe_scores` with placeholder values,
# and `finished_flags` with False values (i.e. no seq is finished yet).
finished_seq = np.zeros_like(active_seq, dtype='int32')
finished_scores = np.zeros_like(active_log_probs, dtype='float32')
finished_flags = np.zeros_like(active_log_probs, dtype='bool')
#print('finished_seq', finished_seq.shape)
#print('finished_scores', finished_scores.shape)
#print('finished_flags', finished_flags.shape)
state = {CUR_INDEX: cur_index,
ACTIVE_SEQ: active_seq,
ACTIVE_LOG_PROBS: active_log_probs,
ACTIVE_CACHE: active_cache,
FINISHED_SEQ: finished_seq,
FINISHED_SCORES: finished_scores,
FINISHED_FLAGS: finished_flags}
return state
def _continue_search(self, state):
"""Determines whether to keep searching or terminate.
We terminate the search if the following is True:
1. `cur_index` >= `max_decode_length`
2. It is True that for all concurrent searches in a batch, the worst score
of finished seqs over all beams > the best score of active seqs over all
beams -- the remaining candidate active seqs will never outscore the
current finished seqs (because scores of active seqs will certainly get
lower with the growing length).
state: a dict holding the loop invariant tensors over the decoding
iterations. See `_create_initial_state` for details.
a bool scalar tensor, whether to continue search (True) or not (False).
i = state[CUR_INDEX]
# active_log_probs: [batch_size, beam_width]
# finished_scores: [batch_size, beam_width]
# finished_flags: [batch_size, beam_width]
active_log_probs = state[ACTIVE_LOG_PROBS]
finished_scores = state[FINISHED_SCORES]
finished_flags = state[FINISHED_FLAGS]
# active_log_probs are always negative, so the best scores of active seqs
# are achieved when the length penalty is maximal
# best_active_scores: [batch_size]
max_length_norm = self._length_normalization(self._max_decode_length)
best_active_scores = active_log_probs[:, 0] / max_length_norm
# if there are no finished seqs in a batch, set the worst finished score to
# negative infinity for that batch
# finished_batch_flags: [batch_size], True if any beam is finished
# worst_finished_scores: [batch_size]
finished_batch_flags = np.any(finished_flags, axis=1)
worst_finished_scores = np.min(finished_scores, axis=1)
worst_finished_scores = np.where(
finished_batch_flags, worst_finished_scores, NEG_INF)
worst_finished_better_than_best_active = np.all(
worst_finished_scores > best_active_scores)
return np.logical_and(
i < self._max_decode_length,
def _search_step(self, state):
"""Performs a single search step.
state: a dict holding the loop invariant tensors over the decoding
iterations. See `_create_initial_state` for details.
a length-1 list holding a dict of the same structure as the input `state`
with updated tensors.
new_seq, new_log_probs, new_cache = self._grow_active_seq(state)
active_state = self._get_new_active_state(new_seq, new_log_probs, new_cache)
finished_state = self._get_new_finished_state(state, new_seq, new_log_probs)
new_state = {CUR_INDEX: state[CUR_INDEX] + 1}
return [new_state]
def _grow_active_seq(self, state):
"""Grows the search tree of the active sequences by one level, and gathers
the top-scoring `2 * beam_width` candidates.
Note: we may have UP TO `beam_width` finished candidates (i.e. ending with
EOS_ID) among all `vocab_size * beam_width` candidates, so collecting the
top-scoring `2 * beam_width` candidates would ensure that there are at least
`beam_width` candidates that are still active (i.e. not ending with EOS_ID).
state: a dict holding the loop invariant tensors over the decoding
iterations. See `_create_initial_state` for details.
topk_seq: int tensor of shape [batch_size, doubled_beam_width,
cur_index + 2], the token ids of the extended top-scoring
`doubled_beam_width` sequences.
topk_log_probs: float tensor of shape [batch_size, doubled_beam_width],
log-probs of the extended top-scoring `doubled_beam_width` sequences.
new_cache: dict of entries
'encoder_outputs': tensor of shape [batch_size, doubled_beam_width,
src_seq_len, hidden_size],
'padding_mask': tensor of shape [batch_size, doubled_beam_width, 1, 1,
and entries with keys 'layer_0',...,'layer_[decoder_num_layers - 1]'
where the value associated with key 'layer_*' is a dict with entries
'k': tensor of shape [batch_size, doubled_beam_width, cur_index + 1,
num_heads, size_per_head],
'v': tensor of shape [batch_size, doubled_beam_width, cur_index + 1,
num_heads, size_per_head].
'tgt_tgt_attention': tensor of shape [batch_size, doubled_beam_width,
num_heads, cur_index + 1, cur_index + 1],
'tgt_src_attention': tensor of shape [batch_size, doubled_beam_width,
num_heads, cur_index + 1, src_seq_len].
i = state[CUR_INDEX]
# active_seq: [batch_size, beam_width, cur_index + 1]
# active_log_probs: [batch_size, beam_width]
# active_cache[encoder_outputs]: [batch_size, beam_width, src_seq_len,
# hidden_size]
# active_cache[padding_mask]: [batch_size, beam_width, 1, 1, src_seq_len]
# active_cache[layer_L][k or v]: [batch_size, beam_width, cur_index,
# num_heads, size_per_head]
# active_cache[layer_L][tgt_tgt_attention]: [batch_size, beam_width,
# num_heads, cur_index, cur_index]
# active_cache[layer_L][tgt_src_attention]: [batch_size, beam_width,
# num_heads, cur_index, src_seq_len]
active_seq = state[ACTIVE_SEQ]
active_log_probs = state[ACTIVE_LOG_PROBS]
active_cache = state[ACTIVE_CACHE]
#print('active_seq', active_seq.shape)
#print('active_log_probs', active_log_probs.shape)
# flattening
# for `active_seq` and `active_cache`, do reshaping
# [batch_size, beam_width, ...] ==> [batch_size * beam_width, ...]
flat_active_seq = _flatten_beam_dim(active_seq)
flat_cache = map_structure(_flatten_beam_dim, active_cache)
#print('flat_active_seq', flat_active_seq.shape)
#print('flat_cache', flat_cache['h'].shape, flat_cache['c'].shape)
# flat_logits: [batch_size * beam_width, vocab_size]
# the `cur_index` of `k`, `v`, `tgt_tgt_attention`, `tgt_src_attention`
# tensors in `flat_cache` are incremented
flat_logits, flat_cache = self._decoding_fn(
flat_active_seq[:, -1:], flat_cache)
#print('flat_logits', flat_logits.shape)
# SOS should be excluded from the space of valid output tokens, so we push
# the logits of SOS_ID to -inf so that SOS will never appear in the decoded
# sequence
sos_mask = np.array(
[1] + [0] * (self._vocab_size - 1), dtype='float32') * NEG_INF
flat_logits += sos_mask
# unflattening
# logits: [batch_size, beam_width, vocab_size]
# tensors in `new_cache` now have shape [batch_size, beam_width, ...]
logits = _unflatten_beam_dim(
flat_logits, self._batch_size, self._beam_width)
new_cache = map_structure(
lambda t: _unflatten_beam_dim(t, self._batch_size, self._beam_width),
# convert logits to log probs
#candidate_log_probs = logits - tf.reduce_logsumexp(
# logits, axis=2, keepdims=True)
candidate_log_probs = logits - np.log(
np.sum(np.exp(logits), axis=2, keepdims=True))
# log_probs: [batch_size, beam_width, vocab_size]
log_probs = candidate_log_probs + np.expand_dims(active_log_probs, axis=2)
flat_log_probs = np.reshape(log_probs,
[-1, self._beam_width * self._vocab_size])
# top_log_probs, topk_indices: [batch_size, doubled_beam_width]
# topk_log_probs, topk_indices = tf.nn.top_k(
# flat_log_probs, k=self._doubled_beam_width)
topk_log_probs, topk_indices = get_top_k(
flat_log_probs, k=self._doubled_beam_width)
# get the beam indices for the top `doubled_beam_width` candidates
topk_beam_indices = topk_indices // self._vocab_size
# topk_seq: [batch_size, doubled_beam_width, cur_index + 1]
# tensors in `new_cache` now have shape [batch_size, doubled_beam_width,...]
topk_seq, new_cache = _gather_beams(
[active_seq, new_cache], topk_beam_indices)
# append the top `doubled_beam_width` ids (`topk_ids`) to the growing active
# seqs (`topk_seq`)
# topk_ids: [batch_size, doubled_beam_width]
topk_ids = np.expand_dims(topk_indices % self._vocab_size, axis=2)
topk_seq = np.concatenate([topk_seq, topk_ids], axis=2)
#print('topk_ids', topk_ids.shape)
#print('topk_seq', topk_seq.shape)
return topk_seq, topk_log_probs, new_cache
def _get_new_active_state(self, new_seq, new_log_probs, new_cache):
"""Gathers the top `beam_width` active sequences from the larger pool of
`2 * beam_width` candidates.
new_seq: same as `topk_seq` in `_grow_active_seq`.
new_log_probs: same as `topk_log_probs` in `_grow_active_seq`.
new_cache: same as `new_cache` in `_grow_active_seq`.
a dict with the following entries:
'ACTIVE_SEQ': tensor of the same shape as input `new_seq`, except the
beam dimension changes to `beam_width` from `2 * beam_width`.
'ACTIVE_LOG_PROBS': tensor of the same shape as input `new_log_probs`,
except the beam dimension changes to `beam_width` from
`2 * beam_width`.
'ACTIVE_CACHE': nested structure of tensors, where each tensor has the
same shape as counterpart in input `new_cache`, except the beam
dimension changes to `beam_width` from `2 * beam_width`.
# [batch_size, doubled_beam_width]
new_active_flags = np.logical_not(new_seq[:, :, -1] == self._eos_id)
top_active_seq, top_active_log_probs, top_active_cache = _gather_topk(
[new_seq, new_log_probs, new_cache],
new_log_probs, new_active_flags, self._beam_width)
return {ACTIVE_SEQ: top_active_seq,
ACTIVE_LOG_PROBS: top_active_log_probs,
ACTIVE_CACHE: top_active_cache}
def _get_new_finished_state(self, state, new_seq, new_log_probs):
"""Gets newly finished seqs (if any) and combines them with previously
finished seqs, and gathers the top-scoring `beam_width` seqs.
state: a dict holding the loop invariant tensors over the decoding
iterations. See `_create_initial_state` for details.
new_seq: same as `topk_seq` in `_grow_active_seq`.
new_log_probs: same as `topk_log_probs` in `_grow_active_seq`.
a dict with the following entries:
'FINISHED_SEQ': tensor of shape [batch_size, beam_width, cur_index + 2].
'FINISHED_SCORES': tensor of shape [batch_size, beam_width].
'FINISHED_FLAGS': tensor of shape [batch_size, beam_width].
i = state[CUR_INDEX]
# finished_seq: [batch_size, beam_width, cur_index + 1]
# finished_scores: [batch_size, beam_width]
# finished_flags: [batch_size, beam_width]
finished_seq = state[FINISHED_SEQ]
finished_scores = state[FINISHED_SCORES]
finished_flags = state[FINISHED_FLAGS]
# zero-pad the previously finished seqs to shape
# [batch_size, beam_width, cur_index + 2]
finished_seq = np.pad(finished_seq, [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 1]])
# convert log-probs to scores by length normalization
new_scores = new_log_probs / self._length_normalization(i + 1)
# flag the newly finished seqs (if any)
# [batch_size, doubled_beam_width]
new_finished_flags = new_seq[:, :, -1] == self._eos_id
# combine previously finished seqs w/ those newly finished (if any)
# finished_seq: [batch_size, beam_width * 3, cur_index + 2]
# finished_scores: [batch_size, beam_width * 3]
# finished_flags: [batch_size, beam_width * 3]
#print('a', finished_seq.shape, 'b', new_seq.shape)
finished_seq = np.hstack([finished_seq, new_seq])
finished_scores = np.hstack([finished_scores, new_scores])
finished_flags = np.hstack([finished_flags, new_finished_flags])
top_finished_seq, top_finished_scores, top_finished_flags = _gather_topk(
[finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags],
finished_scores, finished_flags, self._beam_width)
return {FINISHED_SEQ: top_finished_seq,
FINISHED_SCORES: top_finished_scores,
FINISHED_FLAGS: top_finished_flags}
def _tile_beam_width(tensor, beam_width):
"""Given a tensor of shape [batch_size, ...], expands its dims in axis=1
and tile along axis=1.
tensor: tensor of shape [batch_size, ...]
beam_width: int scalar, beam width.
tiled_tensor: tensor of shape [batch_size, beam_width, ...].
tensor = np.expand_dims(tensor, axis=1)
tile_dims = [1] * tensor.ndim
tile_dims[1] = beam_width
tiled_tensor = np.tile(tensor, tile_dims)
return tiled_tensor
def _flatten_beam_dim(tensor):
"""Collapses batch and beam dimension into a single dimension.
tensor: tensor of shape [batch_size, beam_width, ...]
tensor of shape [batch_size * beam_width, ...]
shape = list(tensor.shape)
shape[0] *= shape[1]
return np.reshape(tensor, shape)
def _unflatten_beam_dim(tensor, batch_size, beam_width):
"""Un-collapses the first dimension back into batch and beam dimension.
tensor: tensor of shape [batch_size * beam_width, ...]
batch_size: int scalar, batch size.
beam_width: int scalar, beam width.
tensor of shape [batch_size, beam_width, ...]
shape = list(tensor.shape)
new_shape = [batch_size, beam_width] + shape[1:]
return np.reshape(tensor, new_shape)
def _gather_beams(nested, beam_indices):
"""Gathers beams from a nested structure of tensors according to beam indices.
nested: a dict, list, tuple or a tensor, where elements are recursively
dict, list, tuple or a tensor. All tensors have shape [batch_size,
beam_width, ...].
beam_indices: int tensor of shape [batch_size, new_beam_width], holding the
indices of beams (not necessarily unique) to be gathered for each batch.
an object of the same structure as `nested`, where each tensor has shape
[batch_size, new_beam_width, ...].
batch_size, new_beam_width = beam_indices.shape
# For example, given batch_size = 3
# batch_indices = [[0, 0,...,0],[1, 1,...,1], ...,[2, 2,...,2]]
# each sublist has length `new_beam_width`
batch_indices = np.tile(np.arange(batch_size)[:, np.newaxis],
[1, new_beam_width])
indices = np.stack([batch_indices, beam_indices], axis=2)
return map_structure(
lambda state: gather_nd(state, indices), nested)
def _gather_topk(nested, scores, flags, k):
"""Gathers top-k scoring valid beams (the corresponding flag is True).
For example, given
scores = [-0.32, -0.59, -0.11, -0.05, -0.96, -0.87]
flags = [True, False, False, True, False, True]
k = 4
The scores for False flags will be pushed to -inf, and the results will be
scores = [-0.05, -0.32, -0.87, -inf]
flags = [True, True, True, False]
Note: if the num of valid seqs across all beams for each batch is less than
`k`, the result is padded with invalid seqs.
nested: a dict, list, tuple or a tensor, where elements are recursively
dict, list, tuple or a tensor. All tensors have shape [batch_size,
beam_width, ...].
scores: float tensor of shape [batch_size, beam_width], the scores of each
sequence for a particular batch and beam.
flags: bool tensor of shape [batch_size, beam_width], indicates the validity
of each sequence (valid if True).
k: int scalar, the num of top scoring sequences (<= `beam_width`).
an object of the same structure as `nested`, where each tensor has shape
[batch_size, k, ...].
# push the scores of invalid seqs to NEG_INF, so they will be placed after the
# valid seqs in `indices`
scores += np.logical_not(flags).astype('float32') * NEG_INF
_, indices = get_top_k(scores, k)
return _gather_beams(nested, indices)
def map_structure(fn, nested):
"""Recursively executes a function over elements organized in a structure
recursively composed of dict, list or tuple.
fn: a callable, function to be executed.
nested: a dict, list, tuple or a tensor, where elements are recursively
dict, list, tuple or a tensor.
an object of the same structure as `nested` after applying the function.
if isinstance(nested, dict):
d = {}
for k, v in nested.items():
d[k] = map_structure(fn, v)
return d
elif isinstance(nested, (tuple, list)):
l = []
for v in nested:
l.append(map_structure(fn, v))
return tuple(l) if isinstance(nested, tuple) else l
return fn(nested)
def get_top_k(inputs, k=1):
"""Find values and indices of the `k` largest entries for the last dimension.
k: int scalar, num of top elements to look for along the last dimension.
shape = inputs.shape
size =[:-1])
inputs = inputs.reshape([size, -1])
indices = np.argsort(-inputs)[:, :k]
values = np.array([inputs[i][indices[i]]
for i in np.arange(size)])
values = values.reshape(shape[:-1] + (-1,))
indices = indices.reshape(values.shape)
return values, indices
def gather_nd(params, indices):
shape = indices.shape
indices = np.reshape(indices, [-1, shape[-1]])
result = []
for row in indices:
a = params
for i in row:
a = a[i]
result = np.stack(result, axis=0)
new_shape = shape[:-1] + params.shape[shape[-1]:]
result = np.reshape(result, new_shape)
return result
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