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Created June 22, 2011 04:36
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latex 2 html
function latex2html($text){
$s[] = '/\\\\begin{theorem}\\[(.*?)\\]\\s/';
$r[] = '<blockquote class="theorem"><strong>Theorem ($1)</strong> ';
$s[] = '/\\\\begin{lemma}\\[(.*?)\\]\\s/';
$r[] = '<blockquote class="theorem"><strong>Lemma ($1)</strong> ';
$s[] = '/\\\\begin{problem}\\[(.*?)\\]\\s/';
$r[] = '<blockquote class="problem"><strong>Problem ($1)</strong> ';
$s[] = '/\\\\begin{corollary}\\[(.*?)\\]\\s/';
$r[] = '<blockquote class="theorem"><strong>Corollary ($1)</strong> ';
$s[] = '/\\\\begin{definition}\\[(.*?)\\]\\s/';
$r[] = '<blockquote class="definition"><strong>Definition ($1)</strong> ';
$s[] = '/\\\\begin{conjecture}\\[(.*?)\\]\\s/';
$r[] = '<blockquote class="conjecture"><strong>Conjecture ($1)</strong> ';
$s[] = '/\\\\texttt{(.*?)}/s';
$r[] = '<code>$1</code>';
$s[] = '/\\\\textbf{(.*?)}/s';
$r[] = '<strong>$1</strong>';
$s[] = '/\\\\emph{(.*?)}/s';
$r[] = '<em>$1</em>';
$s[] = '/\\\\textsc{(.*?)}/s';
$r[] = '<span style="font-variant: small-caps;">$1</span>';
$s[] = '/\\\\begin{enumerate}\\s*\\\\item/s';
$r[] = '<ol><li>';
$s[] = '/\\\\end{enumerate}/';
$r[] = '</li></ol>';
$s[] = '/\\\\begin{itemize}\\s*\\\\item/';
$r[] = '<ul><li>';
$s[] = '/\\\\end{itemize}/s';
$r[] = '</li></ul>';
$s[] = '/\\\\begin{theorem}\\s*/s';
$r[] = '<blockquote class="theorem"><strong>Theorem</strong> ';
$s[] = '/\\\\begin{lemma}\\s*/s';
$r[] = '<blockquote class="theorem"><strong>Lemma</strong> ';
$s[] = '/\\\\begin{problem}\\s*/s';
$r[] = '<blockquote class="problem"><strong>Problem</strong> ';
$s[] = '/\\\\begin{corollary}\\s*/s';
$r[] = '<blockquote class="theorem"><strong>Corollary</strong> ';
$s[] = '/\\\\begin{definition}\\s*/s';
$r[] = '<blockquote class="definition"><strong>Definition</strong> ';
$s[] = '/\\\\begin{conjecture}\\s*/s';
$r[] = '<blockquote class="conjecture"><strong>Conjecture</strong> ';
$s[] = '/\\s*\\\\end{proof}/s';
$r[] = '<span style="float:right;font-size:200%">&#9632;</span>';
$s[] = '/\\\\begin{example}\\s*/s';
$r[] = '<blockquote>strong>Example</strong> ';
$s[] = '/\\\\begin{proof}\\s*/s';
$r[] = '<strong>Proof</strong> ';
$s[] = '/\\\\begin{remark}\\s*/s';
$r[] = '<blockquote><strong>Remark</strong> ';
$s[] = '/\\\\begin{quotation}\\s*/s';
$r[] = '<blockquote>';
$s[] = '/\\\\href{(.*?)}{(.*?)}/';
$r[] = '<a href="$1">$2</a>';
$s[] = '/\\\\url{(.*?)}/';
$r[] = '<a href="$1">$1</a>';
$s[] = '/\\\\includegraphics{(.*?)}/';
$r[] = '<img src="$1" />';
$s[] = '/\\\\section\\*{(.*?)}/';
$r[] = '<h3>$1</h3>';
$s[] = '/\\\\subsection\\*{(.*?)}/';
$r[] = '<h4>$1</h4>';
$text = preg_replace($s,$r,$text);
$s[] = '\\item ';
$r[] = '</li><li>';
$s[] = '\\end{theorem}';
$s[] = '\\end{lemma}';
$s[] = '\\end{problem}';
$s[] = '\\end{corollary}';
$s[] = '\\end{definition}';
$s[] = '\\end{example}';
$s[] = '\\end{remark}';
$s[] = '\\end{quotation}';
$s[] = '\\end{conjecture}';
$r[] = '</blockquote>';
$text = str_replace($s,$r,$text);
$text = replacealign($text,$tex_matches);
$text = replace($text,$tex_matches,'\displaystyle{','}','class="displaystyle"');
$text = replace($text,$tex_matches);
$text = replace($text,$tex_matches);
$text = str_replace('\\$','&#36;',$text);
return $text;
function alt($s){
$s = htmlentities(trim($s), ENT_QUOTES);
$s = str_replace(array("\r","\n"),array("&#13;","&#10;"),$s);
return $s;
function replace($text, $tex_matches, $prefix="", $suffix="", $class=""){
for ($i=0; $i < count($tex_matches[0]); $i++) {
$pos = strpos($text, $tex_matches[0][$i]);
$formula = $prefix.trim($tex_matches[1][$i]).$suffix;
$alt_formula = alt($tex_matches[1][$i]);
$replace = '<img '.$class.' src="' . rawurlencode($formula) . '&bg=ffffff&fg=000000" title="'.$alt_formula.'" alt="'.$alt_formula.'">';
if($tex_matches[0][$i][0]!="$" && $tex_matches[0][$i][0]!="\\"){
$replace = $tex_matches[0][$i][0].$replace;
$text = substr_replace($text, $replace, $pos,strlen($tex_matches[0][$i]));
return $text;
function replacealign($text, $tex_matches){
for ($i=0; $i < count($tex_matches[0]); $i++) {
$pos = strpos($text, $tex_matches[0][$i]);
$formula = '\\eqalign{'.trim($tex_matches[1][$i]).'}';
$alt_formula = alt($tex_matches[1][$i]);
$formula = str_replace('\\\\','\\cr',$formula);
$replace = '<img class="displaystyle" src=";tex=' . rawurlencode($formula) . '" title="'.$alt_formula.'" alt="'.$alt_formula.'">';
if($tex_matches[0][$i][0]!="$" && $tex_matches[0][$i][0]!="\\"){
$replace = $tex_matches[0][$i][0].$replace;
$text = substr_replace($text, $replace, $pos,strlen($tex_matches[0][$i]));
return $text;
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