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Created January 31, 2019 07:10
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Matrix Rank Selection
import Data.List
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import RankSelection
-- this provides selectRank, which outputs the kth largest element of a list
-- selectRank :: Ord a => [a] -> Int -> a
type Matrix a = (Int->Int->a, Int, Int)
-- The input is an matrix sorted in both row and column order
-- This selects the kth smallest element. (0th is the smallest)
selectMatrixRank :: Ord a => Int -> Matrix a -> a
selectMatrixRank k (f,n,m)
| k >= n*m || k < 0 = error "rank doesn't exist"
| otherwise = fst $ fst $ biselect k k (f', min n (k+1), min m (k+1))
where f' x y= (f x y, (x, y))
biselect :: Ord a => Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> (a,a)
biselect lb ub (f',n',m') = join (***) (selectRank values) (lb-ra, ub-ra)
where mat@(f,n,m)
| n' > m' = (flip f', m', n')
| otherwise = (f', n', m')
(a, b)
| n < 3 = (f 0 0, f (n-1) (m-1))
| otherwise = biselect lb' ub' halfMat
(lb', ub') = (lb `div` 2, min ((ub `div` 2) + n) (n * hm - 1))
(ra, values) = (rankInMatrix mat a, selectRange mat a b)
| even m = (\x y->f x (if y < hm - 1 then 2 * y else 2 * y - 1), n, hm)
| odd m = (\x y->f x (2*y), n, hm)
hm = m `div` 2 + 1
-- the rank of an element in the matrix
rankInMatrix :: Ord a => Matrix a -> a -> Int
rankInMatrix mat a = sum (map (\(_,y)->1+y) $ frontier mat a)-1
-- select all elements x in the matrix such that a <= x <= b
selectRange :: Ord a => Matrix a -> a -> a -> [a]
selectRange mat@(f,_,_) a b = concatMap search (frontier mat b)
where search (x,y) = takeWhile (>=a) $ map (f x) [y,y-1..0]
frontier :: Ord a => Matrix a -> a -> [(Int,Int)]
frontier (f,n,m) b = step 0 (m-1)
where step i j
| i > n-1 || j < 0 = []
| f i j <= b = (i,j):step (i+1) j
| otherwise = step i (j-1)
module RankSelection where
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import Control.Applicative
selectRank :: Ord a => [a] -> Int -> a
selectRank xs k
| k < length xs && k >= 0 = select k xs
| otherwise = error "rank doesn't exist"
where middle xs = length xs `div` 2
select k xs
| length xs < 6 = sort xs!!k
| k < l = select k lt
| otherwise = select (k-l) gt
where sample = map (liftA2 (!!) sort middle) (chunksOf 5 xs)
pivot = (select =<< middle) sample
(l,(lt, gt)) = (,) =<< length . fst $ partition (< pivot) xs
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