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Last active January 20, 2023 15:00
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Save chaoxu/8a0393e5fe716dcca3c1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
% ========================-*- LaTeX -*-=========================
% chao.sty -- modified from jeffe.sty
% jeffe.sty can be found at
% ==========================================================
% remarkable size
% preview size
\RequirePackage[hyperref]{ntheorem} % theorem numbering
% no microtype
% st mary fonts
\RequirePackage{stmaryrd} % comment out if unavailable
% nagging
\RequirePackage[l2tabu, orthodox]{nag}
\RequirePackage{graphicx} % essentials
\RequirePackage[mathletters]{ucs} % allow Unicode in .tex file
\RequirePackage[charter]{mathdesign} % change fonts
\RequirePackage{berasans, beramono}
\RequirePackage[nocompress]{cite} % other convenient stuff
\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}]}{\end{trivlist}}
\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}]}{\end{trivliST}}
\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}]}{\end{trivlist}}
\widowpenalty 5000
\clubpenalty 5000
% line numbers (be nice to the referee)
\RequirePackage[mathlines, pagewise]{lineno}
\RequirePackage[paperheight=209.6mm, paperwidth=157.2mm, top=0.2in,bottom=0.2in,right=0.2in,left=0.2in]{geometry}
%\RequirePackage[paperheight=\maxdimen, paperwidth=157.2mm, top=0.2in,bottom=0.2in,right=0.2in,left=0.2in]{geometry}
\RequirePackage[paperheight=\maxdimen, paperwidth=157.2mm, top=0.2in,bottom=0.2in,right=0.2in,left=0.2in]{geometry}
%\setlength{\pagewidth}{6.5in} %\pagestyle{empty}
\urlstyle{same} % dammit
\hyphenation{co-or-din-ate co-or-din-ates half-plane half-space stereo-iso-mers stereo-iso-mer Round-table homol-ogous homol-ogy poly-hedron poly-hedra homeo-morphic homeo-morph-ism}
\pdfstringdefDisableCommands{\let\boldmath\relax} % allow \boldmath in section titles
% Chao addition
% chinese
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Common Latin abbreviations, only one of which is actually kosher
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\def\etal{\emph{et~al.}} % and others
%\def\ie{\emph{i.e.}} % that is
\def\ie{\textcolor{red}{that is}}
%\def\eg{\emph{e.g.}} % for example
\def\eg{\textcolor{red}{for example}}
% -----------------------
% Common Names
% -----------------------
% -----------------------
% useful shortcuts
% -----------------------
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Simple math stuff
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% ---- SYMBOLS ----
\let\e\varepsilon % a ``real'' epsilon — better yet, just use Unicode ε.
% I give up. These are in the wrong font, but my kludged versions
% LOOK like kludges, especially \Z, \Q, and \C.
% ---- OPERATORS (requires amsmath) ----
\def\Aut{\operatorname{Aut}} % Automorphism group
\def\card{\operatorname{card}} % cardinality, deprecated for \abs
\def\E{\operatorname{E}} % Expectation: $\E[X]$ (like \Pr)
\def\Hom{\operatorname{Hom}} % Homomorphism group
\def\id{\operatorname{id}} % identity
\def\im{\operatorname{im}} % image
\def\lfs{\operatorname{lfs}} % local feature size
\def\rel{\operatorname{rel\,}} % relative (interior, boundary, etc.)
\def\vol{\operatorname{vol}} % volume
\def\fp#1{^{\underline{#1}}} % falling powers: $n\fp{d}$
\def\rp#1{^{\overline{#1}}} % rising powers: $n\rp{d}$
% --- Darts and fences ---
% less nice replacements for stmaryrd characters
% --- Cheap displaystyle operators ---
% ---- RELATORS ----
\def\deq{\stackrel{\scriptscriptstyle\triangle}{=}} % Use := instead.
\def\into{\DOTSB\hookrightarrow} % = one-to-one
% --- always self-scaling delmiter pairs ---
\def\set#1{\left\{ #1 \right\}}
\def\floor#1{\left\lfloor #1 \right\rfloor}
\def\ceil#1{\left\lceil #1 \right\rceil}
\def\seq#1{\left\langle #1 \right\rangle}
\def\abs#1{\left| #1 \right|}
\def\norm#1{\left\| #1 \right\|}
\def\paren#1{\left( #1 \right)} % need better macro name!
\def\brack#1{\left[ #1 \right]} % need better macro name!
\def\indic#1{\left[ #1 \right]} % indicator variable; Iverson notation
% Macros to typeset sets like {foo|bar} with all three delimiters
% correctly scaled to fit. What I *really* want is a \middle macro
% that acts just like \left and \right. Grumble.
% Set version is handled by package braket.
\def\Seqbar#1#2{\Seq{#1 \Bigbar{#1 #2} #2}}
\def\Brackbar#1#2{\Brack{#1 \Bigbar{#1 #2} #2}}
% Math mode fbox
\def\mfbox#1{\mathchoice{{\fbox{\ensuremath{\displaystyle #1}}}}
{{\fbox{\ensuremath{\textstyle #1}}}}
{{\fbox{\ensuremath{\scriptstyle #1}}}}
{{\fbox{\ensuremath{\scriptscriptstyle #1}}}}}
% ---- ``ACCENTS'' ----
% NB: Commands equivalent to \lrarrowfill and \overlrarrow are
% already defined in amstex!
% ---- TEXT STYLES ----
\def\EMPH#1{\textbf{\emph{\boldmath #1}}}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% \begin{bigabstract}...\end{bigabstract}
% For use in documents with title pages. Use normal-sized text in
% the abstract!
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Make captions smaller than the text, make their titles bold.
% Arguments: #1 == figure name: "Figure 5"
% #2 == caption: "Papers by \Erdos, 1900--2000 (projected)"
% Less space after floats and before caption, since captions are smaller
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\vskip \abovecaptionskip
\setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{{\sffamily\footnotesize \textbf{#1.} #2}}
\ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize % if more than one line,
{\sffamily\footnotesize \textbf{#1.} #2\par} % typeset normally
\else % else
\hbox to\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil} % center
\dbltextfloatsep 18pt plus 2pt minus 4pt % was 20pt plus 2pt minus 4pt
\textfloatsep 18pt plus 2pt minus 4pt % was 20pt plus 2pt minus 4pt
\abovecaptionskip 6pt % was 10pt
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Revised theorem environment:
% Add a period after the theorem number, and make theorems slanted
% instead of italic to help distinguish text from math. Use
% \boldmath in theorem label in case it includes math.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\item[\hskip\labelsep{\bfseries\boldmath #1\ #2\ (#3).}]\slshape}
\item[\hskip\labelsep{\bfseries\boldmath #1\ #2.}]\slshape}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% \newproof{type}{text}(style)[post]:
% Define a new type of unnumbered ``theorem'' environment. The last
% two arguments are optional; most environments will not use them.
% To change label style, put new style command in label:
% \newproof{comment}{\textsf{Comment}}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\def\@xnproof#1#2#3[#4]{%\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
\def\@xprf#1#2[#3]{\@yprf{#1\ (#3)}{#2}}
\def\@yprf#1#2{\begin{trivlist}\item[\hskip\labelsep{\bfseries\boldmath #1:}]#2}
% Standard proof envrionment: last line has a halmos at the right margin.
% Insert \qed to override default halmos placement.
% Incompatible with amsprf package!
\@ifundefined{square}{\let\square\Box}{} % grumble latex2e
\newproof{sketch}{Proof Sketch\global\needqedtrue}[\qed]
% 'Fake' proof environment, for use with wrapfig and similar packages
% If the proof ends with a displayed equation, use \aftermath just
% before \end{proof} to put the halmos in the ``right'' place.
% Doesn't work worth a damn.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% One-shot theoremish environment. For named things like ``Zorn's
% Lemma'' or ``The Death Leap Principle'' or ``The Zone Theorem''.
% To get one-shot proofish environment, put \normalfont inside.
% New improved version stolen from Erik Demaine.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Algorithm and code environments -- Algorithms are set in normal
% text, with 2em indenting, surrounded by a box. Code is set in
% typewriter text, with 4 space indenting, and no box. I've never
% actually used the code environment.
% WARNING! The true width of the minipage environment is determined
% by the contents of the longest line, because the minipage environment
% contains a tabbing environment and nothing else. It's a HaX!
% Both environments really need optional line numbering and a better
% comment macros. But bold keywords are just distracting, so if you
% want them, you're on you own,
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Meh.
% These only work with <1 line of text. Use sparingly!!
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Include a file verbatim. Searches the TEXINPUTS path for the file,
% even though that's probably not what you really want. Stolen from
% ``verbatimfiles.sty'' by Chris Rowley and others. [Don't use their
% \vertbatimlisting macro; it has some bizarre side-effects!]
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% \now -- Current time in h:mm AM/PM format
% \mdyy -- Today's date in m/d/yy format. Forget Y2K; this is for humans!
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\divide\timehh by 60
\multiply\count255 by -60
\advance\timemm by \count255
\ifnum\timehh>11 \timePMtrue\else\timePMfalse\fi
\ifnum\timehh<1 \advance\timehh by 12\fi
\ifnum\timehh>12 \advance\timehh by -12\fi
\def\now{\number\timehh:\ifnum\timemm<10 0\fi\number\timemm
\iftimePM pm\else am\fi}
\divide\count255 by 100
\multiply\count255 by 100
\advance\mdYY by -\count255
\def\mdyy{\number\month/\number\day/\ifnum\mdYY<10 0\fi\number\mdYY}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Notes to myself. The margin flags are broken, thanks to an
% incompatibility with the geometry package.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\def\n@te#1{\textsf{\boldmath \textbf{$\langle\!\langle$#1$\rangle\!\rangle$}}\leavevmode}
\def\n@tew@rn{\GenericWarning{}{AUTHOR WARNING: Unresolved \protect\note}}
% Warning: The textcomp and mathdesign packages are incompatible!
% {$\maltese$} % if you don't have textcomp
% {\textmusicalnote}} % if you do have textcomp
% TODO sets enclosed text in a gray rectangle with a red border
% with small sans-serif text.
% Bibliography aliases, so I can use mnemonic citation keys and
% geom.bib at the same time. \bibalias{foo}{bar} makes \cite{foo}
% act (almost) exactly like \cite{bar}. I don’t actually use this.
{\@ifundefined{b@#2}{\textsf{?}}{}\csname b@#2\endcsname}}}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Draft notice. Put \DRAFT on the title page, in place of \date.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\def\draftnotice{Preliminary draft --- \mdyy\ --- Not for distribution}
% 'cramped' list style, stolen from Jeff Vitter. Doesn't always work.
% More footnote symbols, please.
\def\@fnsymbol#1{\ensuremath{\ifcase#1\or *\or \dagger\or \ddagger\or
\mathsection\or \mathparagraph\or \|\or **\or \dagger\dagger
\or \ddagger\ddagger \or \mathsection\mathsection \or
\mathparagraph\mathparagraph \else\@ctrerr\fi}}
% TeXbook style quotations -- I should really use the right font, tho.
\def\quotee#1{\par\vspace{0.5ex}\begin{flushright}\unskip\textup{--- #1}\end{flushright}\unskip}
% Creative Commons license
\def\CCLicense#1{\vfill\vbox to 0pt{\centering\tiny\sffamily \textcopyright\ Copyright \number\year\ Chao Xu.\\ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (\url{}).\\ Free distribution is strongly encouraged; commercial distribution is expressly forbidden.\quad See {#1} for the most recent revision.\vss}}
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