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Forked from anonymous/gist:753018
Created December 23, 2010 14:07
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-- -------------------------------------- -- Gist Script for Linkinus -- by Jacob Chapel -- Version 0.5 -- -------------------------------------- on linkinuscmd(paste_type) set useGrowl to do shell script "defaults read com.conceitedsoftware.Linkinus alertGrowl" set theURL to "" set file_type to ".txt" set file_types to {{"ActionScript", ".as"}, {"C", ".c"}, {"Csharp", ".cs"}, {"Common_Lisp", ".cl"}, {"emacs_lisp", ".sls"}, {"erlang", ".hrl"}, {"haskell", ".hs"}, {"html", ".html"}, {"java", ".java"}, {"lua", ".lua"}, {"objective_c", ".m"}, {"perl", ".pl"}, {"Scala", ".scala"}, {"scheme", ".sls"}, {"TeX", ".tex"}, {"XML", ".xml"}, {"Ada", ".adb"}, {"AppleScript", ".scpt"}, {"Arc", ".arc"}, {"ASP", ".ascx"}, {"Assembly", ".asm"}, {"Batchfile", ".bat"}, {"Befunge", ".befunge"}, {"Boo", ".boo"}, {"Brainfuck", ".b"}, {"C_ObjDump", ".c-objdump"}, {"ChucK", ".java"}, {"Clojure", ".clj"}, {"CoffeeScript", ".coffee"}, {"ColdFusion", ".cfm"}, {"Cpp_ObjDump", ".cppobjdump"}, {"Cucumber", ".feature"}, {"D", ".d"}, {"D_ObjDump", ".d -objdump"}, {"Darcs_Patch", ".darcspatch"}, {"Delphi", ".pas"}, {"Duby", ".rb"}, {"Dylan", ".dylan"}, {"Eiffel", ".e"}, {"Fsharp", ".fs"}, {"Factor", ".factor"}, {"FORTRAN", ".f"}, {"GAS", ".s"}, {"Genshi", ".kid"}, {"Gentoo_Ebuild", ".sh"}, {"Gentoo_Eclass", ".sh"}, {"Gettext_Catalog", ".po"}, {"Go", ".go"}, {"Groff", ".man"}, {"Groovy", ".groovy"}, {"Haml", ".haml"}, {"HaXe", ".hx"}, {"HTML_Django", ".mustache"}, {"HTML_ERB", ".erb"}, {"HTML_PHP", ".phtml"}, {"INI", ".ini"}, {"Io", ".io"}, {"IRC_log", ".weechatlog"}, {"Java_Server_Pages", ".jsp"}, {"JSON", ".js"}, {"Literate_Haskell", ".lhs"}, {"LLVM", ".ll"}, {"Makefile", ".mak"}, {"Mako", ".mao"}, {"Markdown", ".mkd"}, {"Matlab", ".matlab"}, {"Max_MSP", ".mxt"}, {"MiniD", ".md"}, {"Mirah", ".rb"}, {"Moocode", ".moo"}, {"mupad", ".mu"}, {"Myghty", ".myt"}, {"Nu", ".sls"}, {"NumPy", ".numpy"}, {"ObjDump", ".objdump"}, {"Objective_J", ".j"}, {"OCaml", ".fs"}, {"ooc", ".ooc"}, {"Parrot_Internal_Representation", ".pir"}, {"Pure_Data", ".pd"}, {"Python_traceback", ".pytb"}, {"R", ".r"}, {"Racket", ".rkt"}, {"Raw_token_data", ".raw"}, {"Rebol", ".rebol"}, {"Redcode", ".cw"}, {"reStructuredText", ".rst"}, {"RHTML", ".rhtml"}, {"Sass", ".sass"}, {"Self", ".self"}, {"Shell", ".sh"}, {"Smalltalk", ".st"}, {"Smarty", ".tpl"}, {"Supercollider", ".sc"}, {"Tcl", ".tcl"}, {"Tcsh", ".tcsh"}, {"Textile", ".textile"}, {"Vala", ".vala"}, {"Verilog", ".v"}, {"VHDL", ".vhdl"}, {"VimL", ".vim"}, {"Visual_Basic", ".bas"}, {"XQuery", ".xqy"}, {"YAML", ".yml"}, {"cplusplus", ".cpp"}, {"CSS", ".css"}, {"diff", ".diff"}, {"Javascript", ".js"}, {"PHP", ".php"}, {"Python", ".py"}, {"Ruby", ".rb"}, {"SQL", ".sql"}} repeat with i from 1 to count of file_types if item 1 of item i of file_types contains paste_type then copy i to file_type end repeat set file_type to item 2 of item file_type of file_types do shell script "pbpaste | curl -F \"file_ext[gistfile1]=" & file_type & "\" -F \"file_name[gistfile1]=\" -F \"file_contents[gistfile1]=<-\" -s -L -o /dev/null -w \"%{url_effective}\"" set theURL to result if useGrowl is "1" then tell application "GrowlHelperApp" set the allNotificationsList to {"Gist Notification"} set the enabledNotificationsList to {"Gist Notification"} register as application  "Linkinus Gist Script" all notifications allNotificationsList  default notifications enabledNotificationsList  icon of application "Grab" notify with name  "Gist Notification" title  "Clipboard Pasted" description  "" & theURL application name "Linkinus Gist Script" end tell end if return theURL end linkinuscmd
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