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Created July 26, 2017 02:44
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Fixing squiggly heredoc on Pygments
*** pygments/lexers/ruby.old 2017-07-25 22:03:14.847653103 -0400
--- pygments/lexers/ 2017-07-25 22:38:27.475907303 -0400
*** 44,49 ****
--- 44,52 ----
def heredoc_callback(self, match, ctx):
# okay, this is the hardest part of parsing Ruby...
# match: 1 = <<-?, 2 = quote? 3 = name 4 = quote? 5 = rest of line
+ #
+ # Ruby >=2.3 has squiggly heredoc
+ # match: 1 = <<~?, 2 = quote? 3 = name 4 = quote? 5 = rest of line
start = match.start(1)
yield start, Operator, # <<-?
*** 53,59 ****
heredocstack = ctx.__dict__.setdefault('heredocstack', [])
outermost = not bool(heredocstack)
! heredocstack.append(( == '<<-',
ctx.pos = match.start(5)
ctx.end = match.end(5)
--- 56,62 ----
heredocstack = ctx.__dict__.setdefault('heredocstack', [])
outermost = not bool(heredocstack)
! heredocstack.append((( == '<<-' or == '<<~'),
ctx.pos = match.start(5)
ctx.end = match.end(5)
*** 251,256 ****
--- 254,264 ----
# empty string heredocs
(r'(<<-?)("|\')()(\2)(.*?\n)', heredoc_callback),
+ # squiggly heredocs, Ruby >=2.3
+ (r'(?<!\w)(<<~?)(["`\']?)([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\2)(.*?\n)',
+ heredoc_callback),
+ # empty string squiggly heredocs, Ruby >2.3
+ (r'(<<~?)("|\')()(\2)(.*?\n)', heredoc_callback),
(r'__END__', Comment.Preproc, 'end-part'),
# multiline regex (after keywords or assignments)
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