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Add comments/documentation. Append checkHandle() and getHandle() definitions.
// pylon_mex_camera_interface.cpp
// Code for StackOverflow Q&A:
// by Jon Chappelow (chappjc)
// For example MATLAB-side implementation (class wrapper), see
// Use:
// 1. Enumerate the different actions (e.g. New, Delete, Insert, etc.) in the
// Actions enum. For each enumerated action, specify a string (e.g.
// "new", "delete", "insert", etc.) to be passed as the first argument to
// the MEX function in MATLAB.
// 2. Customize the handling for each action in the switch statement in the
// body of mexFunction (e.g. call the relevant C++ class method).
// Implementation:
// For your C++ class, class_type, mexFunction uses static data storage to hold
// a persistent (between calls to mexFunction) table of integer handles and
// smart pointers to dynamically allocated class instances. A std::map is used
// for this purpose, which facilitates locating known handles, for which only
// valid instances of your class are guaranteed to exist:
// typedef unsigned int handle_type;
// std::map<handle_type, std::shared_ptr<class_type>>
// A std::shared_ptr takes care of deallocation when either (1) a table element
// is erased via the "delete" action or (2) the MEX-file is unloaded.
// To prevent the MEX-file from unloading while a MATLAB class instances exist,
// mexLock is called each time a new C++ class instance is created, adding to
// the MEX-file's lock count. Each time a C++ instance is deleted mexUnlock is
// called, removing one lock from the lock count.
// Requirements:
// A modern compiler with the following C++11 features:
// - shared_ptr
// - auto
// - enum class
// - initializer_list (for const map initialization)
// (VS2013, recent GCC possibly with -std=c++11, Clang since 3.1)
#include "mex.h"
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
//////////////////////// BEGIN Step 1: Configuration ////////////////////////
// Include your class declarations (and PYLON API).
#include <pylon/PylonIncludes.h>
#include <pylon/usb/PylonUsbIncludes.h>
#include <pylon/usb/BaslerUsbInstantCamera.h>
#include <pylon/PylonUtilityIncludes.h>
// Define class_type for your class
typedef CBaslerUsbInstantCameraArray class_type;
// List actions
enum class Action
// create/destroy instance - REQUIRED
// user-specified class functionality
// Map string (first input argument to mexFunction) to an Action
const std::map<std::string, Action> actionTypeMap =
{ "new", Action::New },
{ "delete", Action::Delete },
{ "capture", Action::Capture }
}; // if no initializer list available, put declaration and inserts into mexFunction
using namespace Pylon;
using namespace Basler_UsbCameraParams;
const String_t filenames[] = { "NodeMapCam1.pfs","NodeMapCam2.pfs" };
static const size_t camerasToUse = 2;
///////////////////////// END Step 1: Configuration /////////////////////////
// boilerplate until Step 2 below
typedef unsigned int handle_type;
typedef std::pair<handle_type, std::shared_ptr<class_type>> indPtrPair_type; // or boost::shared_ptr
typedef std::map<indPtrPair_type::first_type, indPtrPair_type::second_type> instanceMap_type;
typedef indPtrPair_type::second_type instPtr_t;
// getHandle pulls the integer handle out of prhs[1]
handle_type getHandle(int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]);
// checkHandle gets the position in the instance table
instanceMap_type::const_iterator checkHandle(const instanceMap_type&, handle_type);
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {
// static storage duration object for table mapping handles to instances
static instanceMap_type instanceTab;
if (nrhs < 1 || !mxIsChar(prhs[0]))
mexErrMsgTxt("First input must be an action string ('new', 'delete', or a method name).");
char *actionCstr = mxArrayToString(prhs[0]); // convert char16_t to char
std::string actionStr(actionCstr); mxFree(actionCstr);
for (auto & c : actionStr) c = ::tolower(c); // remove this for case sensitivity
if (actionTypeMap.count(actionStr) == 0)
mexErrMsgTxt(("Unrecognized action (not in actionTypeMap): " + actionStr).c_str());
// If action is not 'new' or 'delete' try to locate an existing instance based on input handle
instPtr_t instance;
if ( != Action::New && != Action::Delete) {
handle_type h = getHandle(nrhs, prhs);
instanceMap_type::const_iterator instIt = checkHandle(instanceTab, h);
instance = instIt->second;
//////// Step 2: customize each action in the switch in mexFuction ////////
switch (
case Action::New:
if (nrhs > 1 && mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]) != 1)
mexErrMsgTxt("Second argument (optional) must be a scalar, N.");
handle_type newHandle = instanceTab.size() ? (instanceTab.rbegin())->first + 1 : 1;
// Store a new CBaslerUsbInstantCameraArray in the instance map
std::pair<instanceMap_type::iterator, bool> insResult =
instanceTab.insert(indPtrPair_type(newHandle, std::make_shared<class_type>(camerasToUse)));
if (!insResult.second) // sanity check
mexPrintf("Oh, bad news. Tried to add an existing handle."); // shouldn't ever happen
mexLock(); // add to the lock count
// return the handle
plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(insResult.first->first); // == newHandle
// Get all attached devices and exit application if no device or USB Port is found.
CTlFactory& tlFactory = CTlFactory::GetInstance();
// Check if cameras are attached
ITransportLayer *pTL = dynamic_cast<ITransportLayer*>(tlFactory.CreateTl(BaslerUsbDeviceClass));
// todo: some checking here... (pTL == NULL || pTL->EnumerateDevices(devices) == 0)
// Create and attach all Pylon Devices. Load Configuration
CBaslerUsbInstantCameraArray &cameras = instance;
DeviceInfoList_t devices;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras.GetSize(); ++i) {
// Open all cameras.
// Load Configuration and execute Trigger
for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras.GetSize(); ++i) {
CFeaturePersistence::Load(filenames[i], &cameras[i].GetNodeMap());
if (cameras[0].IsOpen() && cameras[1].IsOpen()) {
mexPrintf("\nCameras are fired up and configuration is applied\n");
case Action::Delete:
instanceMap_type::const_iterator instIt = checkHandle(instanceTab, getHandle(nrhs, prhs));
(instIt->second).close(); // may be unnecessary if d'tor does it
plhs[0] = mxCreateLogicalScalar(instanceTab.empty()); // just info
case Action::Capture:
CBaslerUsbInstantCameraArray &cameras = instance; // alias for the instance
// TODO: create output array and capture a frame(s) into it
plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(...);
pixel_type* data = (pixel_type*) mxGetData(plhs[0]);
// also for cameras[1]?
mexErrMsgTxt(("Unhandled action: " + actionStr).c_str());
//////////////////////////////// DONE! ////////////////////////////////
handle_type getHandle(int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
if (nrhs < 2 || mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]) != 1) // mxIsScalar in R2015a+
mexErrMsgTxt("Specify an instance with an integer handle.");
return static_cast<handle_type>(mxGetScalar(prhs[1]));
instanceMap_type::const_iterator checkHandle(const instanceMap_type& m, handle_type h)
auto it = m.find(h);
if (it == m.end()) {
std::stringstream ss; ss << "No instance corresponding to handle " << h << " found.";
return it;
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