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Created May 17, 2010 22:44
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Save chardcastle/404332 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My cron file for kohana 2.3.4
* Created by Chris Hardcastle to run cron jobs
* Based on the default kohana 2.3.4 index.php
* Note the required #! stated above
* CRON TAB USAGE (To run twice a day)
0 0,12 * * * /usr/bin/php [root][site]/cron.php --controller --method
* Use the shebang --> #!/usr/bin/php (should you need it, thanks @spolster)
/ * Define the website environment status. When this flag is set to TRUE, some
* module demonstration controllers will result in 404 errors. For more information
* about this option, read the documentation about deploying Kohana.
* @see
* Website application directory. This directory should contain your application
* configuration, controllers, models, views, and other resources.
* This path can be absolute or relative to this file.
$kohana_application = 'application';
* Kohana modules directory. This directory should contain all the modules used
* by your application. Modules are enabled and disabled by the application
* configuration file.
* This path can be absolute or relative to this file.
$kohana_modules = 'modules';
* Kohana system directory. This directory should contain the core/ directory,
* and the resources you included in your download of Kohana.
* This path can be absolute or relative to this file.
$kohana_system = 'system';
* Test to make sure that Kohana is running on PHP 5.2 or newer. Once you are
* sure that your environment is compatible with Kohana, you can comment this
* line out. When running an application on a new server, uncomment this line
* to check the PHP version quickly.
version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2', '<') and exit('Kohana requires PHP 5.2 or newer.');
* Set the error reporting level. Unless you have a special need, E_ALL is a
* good level for error reporting.
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT);
* Turning off display_errors will effectively disable Kohana error display
* and logging. You can turn off Kohana errors in application/config/config.php
ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
* If you rename all of your .php files to a different extension, set the new
* extension here. This option can left to .php, even if this file has a
* different extension.
define('EXT', '.php');
$kohana_pathinfo = pathinfo(__FILE__);
// Define the front controller name and docroot
define('DOCROOT', $kohana_pathinfo['dirname'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
define('KOHANA', $kohana_pathinfo['basename']);
// If the front controller is a symlink, change to the real docroot
is_link(KOHANA) and chdir(dirname(realpath(__FILE__)));
// If kohana folders are relative paths, make them absolute.
$kohana_application = file_exists($kohana_application) ? $kohana_application : DOCROOT.$kohana_application;
$kohana_modules = file_exists($kohana_modules) ? $kohana_modules : DOCROOT.$kohana_modules;
$kohana_system = file_exists($kohana_system) ? $kohana_system : DOCROOT.$kohana_system;
// Define application and system paths
define('APPPATH', str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($kohana_application)).'/');
define('MODPATH', str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($kohana_modules)).'/');
define('SYSPATH', str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($kohana_system)).'/');
// Clean up
unset($kohana_application, $kohana_modules, $kohana_system);
// Taken from ./bootstrap.php
define('KOHANA_VERSION', '2.3.4');
define('KOHANA_CODENAME', 'buteo regalis');
// Test of Kohana is running in Windows
// Kohana benchmarks are prefixed to prevent collisions
define('SYSTEM_BENCHMARK', 'system_benchmark');
// Load benchmarking support
require SYSPATH.'core/Benchmark'.EXT;
// Start total_execution
// Start kohana_loading
// Load core files
require SYSPATH.'core/utf8'.EXT;
require SYSPATH.'core/Event'.EXT;
require SYSPATH.'core/Kohana'.EXT;
// Prepare the environment
// End kohana_loading
// Start system_initialization
// Prepare the system
// Determine routing
// End system_initialization
* Set the required
$controller = (isset($_SERVER["argv"][1]))?str_replace("--","",$_SERVER["argv"][1]):false;
$method = (isset($_SERVER["argv"][2]))?str_replace("--","",$_SERVER["argv"][2]):false;
$str = "Running Cron using PHP SAPI value: ".PHP_SAPI." with controller:{$controller} method:{$method}\n";
$str .= "The controller has not been set ... aborting.\n";
* Clear out all the data arrays because they can trigger
* a "Disallowed key characters in global data." error
$_POST = array();
$_GET = array();
$_COOKIE = array();
// Load up the action!
Router::$controller = $controller;
Router::$method = $method;
Router::$arguments = array();
Directory path is required,
only a path to an actual controller file will do!
$path = APPPATH."controllers/example.php";
Router::$controller_path = $path;
// Make the magic happen!
Not sure if kohana::debug can be used here
It probably can, but its useful to email $str for debugging.
$h = fopen('./application/logs/cron.txt','a+');
fwrite($h, $str);
// Clean up and exit
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