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Last active February 9, 2023 19:49
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Getting results from a chord's header
import time
from celery import chord
from celery.utils import uuid
from my_app.celery import celery
class ProgressChord(chord):
Chord that returns both the callback's AsyncResult and the group's
# See:
def __call__(self, body=None, **kwargs):
# Taken from celery source code, celery.canvas
_chord = self.Chord
body = (body or self.kwargs['body']).clone()
kwargs = dict(self.kwargs, body=body, **kwargs)
return self.apply((), kwargs)
callback_id = body.options.setdefault('task_id', uuid())
# We store the result
r = _chord(**kwargs)
# Printing r here gives something like:
# <GroupResult: 60ff9ad1-d2d5-4dad-a496-33b2eb85f952 [ed0e155c-5228-4d95-b0aa-1f1ec4aad79d, 23f55076-9a8a-4990-b4b0-b3090e5563b4]>
return _chord.AsyncResult(callback_id), r
def do_stuff():
"""Do stuff."""
time.sleep(2) # expensive function
return 1 + 1
def manage_results(results):
"""Send an email about the results."""
# I'm not including the whole flask boilerplate but let's say the task
# is scheduled by an HTTP call, and we return the task_id.
def create_tasks()
"""Create the chord."""
header = list( for i in range(2000))
body_result, group_result = ProgressChord(group(header))(manage_results.s())
# We'll use this task_id to retrieve results
# Same thing, this is pseudo code. The idea is that the HTTP client is
# passing back the task_id and expects some information about the tasks
# group, including the completed count.
def get_job_status(task_id):
"""Return the job completion rate."""
result = do_stuff.AsyncResult(task_id)
group_result = result.children[0]
# prints <Celery default:0x109a0c590>
# prints <celery.backends.base.DisabledBackend object at 0x109a20550>
info = dict(
return info
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okay understood
thank you for replying though@charlax

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