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Created November 29, 2014 05:20
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Sass Easing Function
Sass Easing Functions
%h4 Bounce, Elastic & Spring
//%pre $transformMap: (scale: 2, translateX: 100%, rotate: 90deg, "background-color": dodgerblue)
%input#bounce(type="checkbox" checked)
%pre @include bounce("bounce", $bounces: 8, $stiffness: 3, $transformMap: $transformMap)
%input#elastic(type="checkbox" checked)
%pre @include elastic("elastic", $elasticity: 100, $transformMap: $transformMap)
%input#spring(type="checkbox" checked)
%pre @include spring("spring", $tension: 6, $springiness: 6.5, $transformMap: $transformMap)
// Play with me, please...
$transformMap: (scale: 2, translateX: 100%, rotateZ: 90deg, "background-color": dodgerblue)
background-color: #F8F8F8
color: #333
font-family: 'Avenir', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', sans-serif
max-width: 800px
margin: auto
line-height: 1
margin-top: 2.5rem
margin-bottom: .5rem
margin: 0
padding: 0
font-size: 2rem
margin: .5em
cursor: pointer
font-weight: 400
white-space: normal
padding: 1.5rem
background-color: white
margin-bottom: 3rem
margin-left: 1.5rem
margin-right: 1.5rem
margin-top: 5rem
margin-bottom: 1.5rem
width: 100px
height: 100px
background-color: #BE5353
border-radius: 2px
#bounce:checked + label
animation: 2s bounce forwards
#elastic:checked + label
animation: 2s elastic forwards
#spring:checked + label
animation: 2s spring forwards
#spring:checked + label
animation: 2s sway forwards
@mixin scaled-transform($scaledRatio: 0, $keyframe: 0%, $transformMap: ())
$transformString: null
$normalAttributes: ()
@each $attribute, $value in $transformMap
@if index(scale scaleX scaleY scaleZ translate translateX translateY translateZ rotate rotateX rotateY rotateZ, $attribute)
$scaledValue: "#{$attribute}(#{$value*$scaledRatio})"
@if $attribute in (scale, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ)
$scaledValue: "#{$attribute}(#{$value*$scaledRatio})"
$transformString: append($transformString, unquote($scaledValue))
$scaledValue: $value*$scaledRatio
$normalAttributes: map-merge($normalAttributes, ($attribute: $scaledValue))
transform: $transformString
@each $attribute, $value in $normalAttributes
#{$attribute}: $value
@mixin bounce($animation-name: "bounce", $frames: 100, $bounces: 4, $stiffness: 3, $transformMap: (scale: 2, translateX: 100%))
$E: 2.718281828459045
$alpha: ($stiffness/100)
$threshold: 0.005/pow(10, $stiffness)
$limit: floor(logarithm($threshold)/(-1*$alpha))
$omega: $bounces * pi()/$limit
@keyframes #{$animation-name}
@for $i from 1 through $frames
$time: ($i/$frames)*$limit
$oscillation: cos($omega*$time)
$exponent: pow($E, -$alpha*$time)
$scaledRatio: (1 - $exponent * $oscillation)
@include scaled-transform($scaledRatio, (100/$frames)*$i, $transformMap)
@mixin elastic($animation-name: "elastic", $frames: 100, $transformMap: (), $elasticity: 80)
@keyframes #{$animation-name}
@for $i from 1 through $frames
$ratio: 1 - $i/$frames
$scaledRatio: 1 - -1*pow(3, 8*($ratio - 1)) * sin((($ratio - 1) * $elasticity - 7.5) * pi() / 15)
@include scaled-transform($scaledRatio, (100/$frames)*$i, $transformMap)
@mixin spring($animation-name: "spring", $frames: 100, $transformMap: (), $tension: 6, $springiness: 4.5)
$E: 2.718281828459045
@keyframes #{$animation-name}
@for $i from 1 through $frames
$ratio: $i/$frames
$scaledRatio: 1 - (cos($ratio * $springiness * pi()) * pow($E, -$ratio * $tension))
@include scaled-transform($scaledRatio, (100/$frames)*$i, $transformMap)
@include bounce("bounce", $bounces: 8, $stiffness: 3, $transformMap: $transformMap)
@include elastic("elastic", $elasticity: 100, $transformMap: $transformMap)
@include spring("spring", $tension: 6, $springiness: 6.5, $transformMap: $transformMap)
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