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Last active August 29, 2023 16:55
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transient storage example in vyper
from vyper.interfaces import ERC20
struct Borrow:
startingBalance: uint256
from_: address
token: ERC20
amount: uint256
interface IStartCallback:
# @notice Called on the `msg.sender` when they call into #start
def started(data: Bytes[1024]): payable
# @notice Anyone can approve a token for this contract, allowing others to borrow their token and earn fees
# @dev Why? Holding custody of certain tokens infers certain rights. E.g.: the ability to vote on a governance proposal.
# @notice The fee in bips that is charged on all borrowing
FEE: immutable(uint256)
def __init__(fee: uint256):
FEE = fee
# @notice The full list of borrows that have happened in the borrow context
borrows: transient(DynArray[Borrow, 10])
# @notice Allow borrowing a particular token from a user only once
alreadyBorrowedToken: transient(HashMap[bytes32, bool])
# @notice The user that is currently borrowing tokens
borrower: transient(address)
# @notice Start borrowing from the users that have approved this contract
def start(data: Bytes[1024]):
assert self.borrower == empty(address), "Jerk boy u r out"
self.borrower = msg.sender
for borrow in self.borrows:
key: bytes32 = keccak256(_abi_encode(borrow.from_, borrow.token))
assert borrow.token.balanceOf(borrow.from_) >= borrow.startingBalance + ((borrow.amount * FEE) / 10_000), "You must pay back the person you borrowed from!"
self.alreadyBorrowedToken[key] = False
self.borrows = []
self.borrower = empty(address)
def borrow(from_: address, token: ERC20, amount: uint256, to: address):
assert msg.sender == self.borrower, "Must be called from within the IStartCallback#started"
key: bytes32 = keccak256(_abi_encode(from_, token))
assert not self.alreadyBorrowedToken[key], "Already borrowed this token from this address"
# Remember the borrower borrowed!
self.borrows.append(Borrow({startingBalance: token.balanceOf(from_), from_: from_, token: token, amount: amount}))
self.alreadyBorrowedToken[key] = True
token.transferFrom(from_, to, amount)
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