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Created October 20, 2010 17:35
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Save charles-dyfis-net/636900 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
rewriting ABS / TLDB hashlib to follow best practices
# Hash function library
# Author: Mariusz Gniazdowski <>
# Date: 2005-04-07
# Author: Charles Duffy <>
# Date: 2010-10-21
# Functions making emulating hashes in Bash a little less painful.
# (for bash >3.2; unnecessary with 4.0's associative arrays)
# Limitations:
# * Only global variables are supported.
# * Each hash instance generates one global variable per value.
# * Variable names collisions are possible
#+ if you define variable like __hash__hashname_key
# * Keys must use chars that can be part of a Bash variable name
#+ (no dashes, periods, etc.).
# * The hash is created as a variable:
# ... hashname_keyname
# So if somone will create hashes like:
# myhash_ + mykey = myhash__mykey
# myhash + _mykey = myhash__mykey
# Then there will be a collision.
# (This should not pose a major problem.)
# Emulates: hash[key]=value
# Params:
# 1 - hash
# 2 - key
# 3 - value
function hash_set {
local name="${Hash_config_varname_prefix}${1}_${2}"
printf -v "$name" '%s' "$3"
function hash_clear_all {
local v
for v in $(compgen -v "${Hash_config_varname_prefix}"); do
unset "$v"
function test__hash_set {
hash_set foo bar $'foo\nbar'
[[ ${!name} = $'foo\nbar' ]]
# Emulates: value=hash[key]
# Params:
# 1 - hash
# 2 - key
# 3 - value (name of global variable to set)
function hash_get_into {
local name="${Hash_config_varname_prefix}${1}_${2}"
printf -v "$3" '%s' "${!name}"
function test__hash_get_into {
hash_set foo bar $'foo\nbar'
hash_get_into foo bar baz
[[ $baz = $'foo\nbar' ]]
# Emulates: echo hash[key]
# Params:
# 1 - hash
# 2 - key
# 3 - echo params (like -n, for example)
function hash_echo {
local name="${Hash_config_varname_prefix}${1}_${2}"
echo "${!name}"
function test__hash_echo {
hash_set foo bar $'foo\nbar'
[[ "$(hash_echo foo bar)" = $'foo\nbar' ]]
# Emulates: hash1[key1]=hash2[key2]
# Params:
# 1 - hash1
# 2 - key1
# 3 - hash2
# 4 - key2
function hash_copy {
local w_name="${Hash_config_varname_prefix}${1}_${2}"
local r_name="${Hash_config_varname_prefix}${3}_${4}"
printf -v "${w_name}" '%s' "${!r_name}"
function test__hash_copy {
hash_set src key1 $'foo\nbar'
hash_copy dst key2 src key1
hash_get_into dst key2 dst
[[ "$dst" = $'foo\nbar' ]]
# Emulates: hash[keyN-1]=hash[key2]=...hash[key1]
# Copies first key to rest of keys.
# Params:
# 1 - hash1
# 2 - key1
# 3 - key2
# . . .
# N - keyN
function hash_dup {
local hash_name key_to_copy val_to_copy
hash_get_into "$hash_name" "$key_to_copy" val_to_copy
shift 2
while (( $# > 0 )) ; do
hash_set "$hash_name" "$1" "$val_to_copy"
function test__hash_dup {
unset dst
hash_set src key1 $'foo\nbar'
hash_dup src key1 key2 key3
hash_get_into src key3 dst
[[ "$dst" = $'foo\nbar' ]]
# Emulates: unset hash[key]
# Params:
# 1 - hash
# 2 - key
function hash_unset {
unset "${Hash_config_varname_prefix}${1}_${2}"
function test__hash_unset {
hash_set src key1 ""
if ! hash_is_set src key1 ; then return 1; fi
hash_unset src key1
if hash_is_set src key1 ; then return 1; fi
# Emulates something similar to: ref=&hash[key]
# The reference is name of the variable in which value is held.
# Params:
# 1 - hash
# 2 - key
# 3 - ref - Name of global variable to set.
function hash_get_ref_into {
printf -v "$3" '%s' "${Hash_config_varname_prefix}${1}_${2}"
function test__hash_get_ref_into {
hash_get_ref_into dict key dest
[[ "$dest" = "${Hash_config_varname_prefix}dict_key" ]]
# Emulates something similar to: echo &hash[key]
# That reference is name of variable in which value is held.
# Params:
# 1 - hash
# 2 - key
# 3 - echo params (like -n for example)
function hash_echo_ref {
echo $3 "${Hash_config_varname_prefix}${1}_${2}"
function test__hash_echo_ref {
[[ "$(hash_echo_ref dict key)" = "${Hash_config_varname_prefix}dict_key" ]]
# Emulates something similar to: $$hash[key](param1, param2, ...)
# Params:
# 1 - hash
# 2 - key
# 3,4, ... - Function parameters
function hash_call {
local varname
shift 2
"${!varname}" "$@"
function testhelper__hash_call {
printf '%s:%s' "$@"
printf '\n'
function test__hash_call {
hash_set dict key1 printf
[[ "$(hash_call dict key1 '%s:' foo bar)" = "foo:bar:" ]]
# Emulates something similar to: isset(hash[key]) or hash[key]==NULL
# Params:
# 1 - hash
# 2 - key
# Returns:
# 0 - there is such key
# 1 - there is no such key
function hash_is_set {
local varname="${Hash_config_varname_prefix}${1}_${2}"
declare -p "${varname}" >/dev/null 2>&1
function test__hash_is_set {
hash_set dict normal_case "value here"
hash_set dict empty_case ""
hash_is_set dict normal_case && hash_is_set dict empty_case && ! hash_is_set dict unset_case
# Emulates something similar to:
# foreach($hash as $key => $value) { fun($key,$value); }
# It is possible to write different variations of this function.
# Here we use a function call to make it as "generic" as possible.
# Params:
# 1 - hash
# 2 - function name
function hash_foreach {
local keyname_prefix keyname_full keyname value oldIFS="$IFS"
for keyname_full in $(compgen -A variable "${keyname_prefix}"); do
"$2" "${keyname}" "${value}"
function testfunc__hash_foreach {
printf "%s=%s\n" "$@"
function test__hash_foreach {
hash_set dict key1 "foo"
hash_set dict key2 "bar"
hash_set other key1 "bad"
[[ "$(hash_foreach dict testfunc__hash_foreach | sort | tr '\n' ';')" = "key1=foo;key2=bar;" ]]
# NOTE: In lines 103 and 116, ampersand changed.
# But, it doesn't matter, because these are comment lines anyhow.
function hash_test_all {
for testfunc in $(compgen -A function test__hash_); do
if "${testfunc}" ; then
echo "${testfunc}: ok"
echo "${testfunc}: FAIL"
# vim: ai noet sts=2 sw=2 ts=2
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