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Created November 14, 2020 14:11
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lark-parser #618
How can I convert the output of lark().parse() into JSON #618
Lark parser, LALR & Earley, Python
def tree_to_json_str(item):
output = []
tree_to_json(tree, output.append) # will build output in memory
return ''.join(output)
def tree_to_json(item, write=None):
""" Writes a Lark tree as a JSON dictionary. """
if write is None: write = sys.stdout.write
_tree_to_json(item, write, 0)
def _tree_to_json(item, write, level):
indent = ' ' * level
level += 1
if isinstance(item, lark.Tree):
write(f'{indent}{{ "type": "{}", "children": [\n')
sep = ''
for child in item.children:
_tree_to_json(child, write, level)
sep = ',\n'
write(f'{indent}] }}\n')
elif isinstance(item, lark.Token):
# reminder: Lark Tokens are directly strings
# token attrs include: line, end_line, column, end_column, pos_in_stream, end_pos
write(f'{indent}{{ "type": "{item.type}", "text": "{item}", "line": {item.line}, "col": {item.column} }}\n')
assert False, item # fall-through
# get a grammar
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, 'examples')
import calc
grammar = calc.calc_grammar
# get some code to parse
code = '3 + 5 * 12'
# parse with lark
import lark
parser = lark.Lark(grammar, parser='lalr')
tree = parser.parse(code)
# print with tree_to_json
tree_to_json(tree) # will print to stdout
# build JSON string with tree_to_json_str
json_str = tree_to_json_str(tree)
# test that above JSON string is valid
import json
parsed_json = json.loads(json_str)
assert isinstance(parsed_json, dict)
assert parsed_json['type'] == 'add'
assert len(parsed_json['children']) == 2
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