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Last active August 7, 2016 00:54
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Change all of the A records in your cloudflare account to point at a new IP
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Change all of the A records in your cloudflare account to point at a new IP
# chmod +x file.rb;./file.rb to run
# Example command: ./file.rb <ip> or let it prompt you
require 'cloudflare' # Laziness at it's best; Source:
# Just some coloring crap
class String
def colorize(color_code); "\e[#{color_code}m#{self}\e[0m" end
def yellow; colorize(33) end
def red; colorize(31) end
def green; colorize(32) end
def cyan; colorize(36) end
key = "" # Cloudflare Client API Key
email = "" # Cloudflare Login Email
ip = ARGV.shift or nil # You can put an IP here, let it prompt you, or put it in the args ./script <ip>
ARGV.clear # Empty out ARGV so that gets doesn't freak
cf =, email)
until ip =~ /^([\d]{1,3}\.){3}([\d]{1,3})$/ do # Making sure the IP is an IP, prompts until it is
print "Enter new IP: ".yellow
ip = gets.to_s.chomp!
# This is where it requests all the domains in cloudflare and applys the new IP to them
domains_req = cf.zone_load_multi()["response"]["zones"]["objs"].each do |obj|
skipping = false;
domain = obj["zone_name"]
for o in cf.rec_load_all(domain)["response"]["recs"]["objs"]
if o["display_name"] == domain && o["type"] == "A"
if o["content"] == ip
puts "#{domain} is already correctly pointed!".cyan
skipping = true
id = o["rec_id"]
service_mode = o["service_mode"]
unless skipping
output = cf.rec_edit(domain, "A", id, domain, ip, 1, service_mode)
if output["result"] == "success"
puts "#{domain} is now pointed to #{ip} !".green
puts output["msg"].red
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