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Last active February 24, 2018 20:05
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UofSC ACM eWeek 2018 DCPU-16 Demo


Sample Programs

Add 2 + 2

; Author: Charles Daniels
; Date: 2018-02-24
; Purpose: Calculate A + B, store to C

SET A,   2  ; Set A to 2
SET B,   3  ; Set B to 3
SET C,   0  ; Clear contents of C
ADD C,   A  ; C = C + A
ADD C,   B  ; C = C + B = A  +B

Fibonacci Sequence

; Author: Charles Daniels
; Date: 2018-02-24
; Purpose: Calculate the Fibonacci sequence one
;          digit at a time and sent to X. Note
;          F(0) is omitted from the output, so
;          the actual output is 1, 2, 3, 5 ...
;          Remember the Fibonacci sequence is 
;          defined as F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2)
;          F(0) = 1, F(1) = 1

set A,  0   ; Current n
set B,  0   ; Previous n
set C,  0   ; Second-to-last n

set B,  1   ; n - 1
set C,  1   ; n - 2

    ; increment accumulator
    add A,  C
    ; shift numbers backwards
    set C,  B
    set B,  A

    ; send to output
    set X,  A
    ; loop
    set PC, fibo

"Hello World"


		; Hello world for DCPU-16
		; By Metapyziks

	SET I, 0				; Initialise loop
	IFE [data+I], 0				; If we have reached the end of the string
		SET PC, end			; Goto the end
	SET A, [data+I]				; Load the next character
	BOR A, 0xf000				; Set the colour to white
	SET [0x8000+I], A	         	; Set the value in video memory
	ADD I, 1				; Increment the loop
	SET PC, nextchar		        ; Loop back to do the next character
	 DAT "Hello world!", 0			; Null terminated string to print
	SET PC, end				; Hang forever

Matrix-Style Digital Rain


set z, 0x1234 ; rand_seed
set y, z ; cur_rand
set pc, main_loop
mul y, 10061
add y, 1
set pc, pop
set i, 0
set x, y
set y, z
set a, 0x8000
  set j, 0
    jsr next_rand
    ife [a], 0
    set pc, skip1
    ifb y, 0x7000
    set pc, skip1
    ; mutate char at [a] (j, i)
    set push, y
    set y, x
    jsr next_rand
    and [a], 0xff00 ; reset char
    and y, 0x003f
    bor [a], [code+y] ; set letter
    set x, y
    set y, pop
    add j, 1
    add a, 1
    ifg 32, j
    set pc, next_char1
  add i, 1
  ifg 12, i
  set pc, next_row1
set y, x
; step 2: move all columns down
set i, 12
set a, 0x817f
  set j, 32
    ife [a], 0
    set pc, empty_char
    ifb [a+32], 0xffff
    set pc, move_down
    ; add new char at [a+32] (j, i+1)
    jsr next_rand
    set [a+32], [a]
    and [a+32], 0xff00
    set x, y
    and x, 0x003f
    bor [a+32], [code+x]
    and [a], 0x7fff
    set pc, skip2
    set [a+32], 0
    and [a+32], 0x7fff
    sub j, 1
    sub a, 1
    ifg j, 0
    set pc, next_char2
  sub i, 1
  ifg i, 0
  set pc, next_row2
set y, x
; step 3: update top layer
set a, 0x8000
set j, 0
  jsr next_rand
  ifb y, 0x0700
  set pc, skip3
  ifb [a], 0xffff
  set pc, empty_char2
  set [a], 0x2000
  ifb y, 0x0800
  set [a], 0xa000
  set x, y
  and x, 0x003f
  bor [a], [code+x]
  set pc, skip3
  set [a], 0
  add j, 1
  add a, 1
  ifg 32, j
  set pc, next_char3
set PC, main_loop
sub PC, 1
:code dat "00112334567889&||!!@==::**##<>>__TYYUDQZJJIX- ~~oiwlrkm//\\'[]^)`"
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