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Created August 31, 2011 14:37
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Save charleshimmer/1183691 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// When doing smart SEO advanced you will check for the existence of a URL parameter named bvrrp.
// If that parameter exists, you will check to make sure that file exists on disk, and then include it.
// For example, if the product id was 6789 and page 2 was being requested, the parameter bvrrp would be 1230-en_us/reviews/product/2/6789.htm.
// If that parameter doesn't exist, you will default to including page 1.
// Here is an example function you might write to handle this logic.
function getRRSmartSEOFile() {
$SEOParam = getURLParameter('bvrrp');
$SEOFile = '/path/to/smartseo/' + $SEOParam;
$defaultSEOFile = '/path/to/smartseo/1230-en_us/reviews/product/1/' + productID + '.htm';
if ( hasValue($SEOParam) && fileExists($SEOFile) ) {
return $SEOFile;
} else if ( fileExists($defaultSEOFile) ){
return $defaultSEOFile;
} else {
return null;
// then on the actual product detail page you would do something like this
<div id="BVRRContainer">
{ if getRRSmartSEOFile() != null then insert stringReplaceURLs(getRRSmartSEOFile()) }
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