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Last active December 12, 2015 02:08
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Possible PHP BV SDK
// include bv sdk
// call constructor method passing client specific data
$bv = BV(array(
'productId' => 'test1',
'currentPageUrl' => '',
'staging' => TRUE, // boolean,
'seoKey' => 'akd923jaddflkj20gjhasdf', // provided by BV
'deploymentZone' => 'Main Site', // optional will default to Main Site if ommited
'locale' => 'en_us' // optional, will default to en_us if ommitted
// $bv object will expose five public methods intended to be used by the client.
// These five methods should provide enough flexbility for the client to whatever
// they need to.
* These methods will return the BV SEO payload only. This means the client will have
* to do the traditional client side integration like they do today in order to render
* the display. This is also what clients who need to customize the client side integration
* would use.
* $bv->reviews->renderSEO();
* $bv->questions->renderSEO();
* /
* These three methods would power both display and SEO.
* $bv->reviews->renderSummary();
* $bv->reviews->renderContainer(); // does both display and SEO
* $bv->questions->renderContainer(); // does both display and SEO
* /
<h1>Hi, I am a test page</h1>
<!-- Review Summary Container -->".
<?php echo $bv->reviews->renderSummary();?>
<div>Main page content is here</div>
<!-- Review Container -->
<?php echo $bv->reviews->renderContainer();?>
<!-- Question & Answer Container -->
<?php echo $bv->questions->renderContainer();?>
<script src="//"></script>
productId: 'test1'
$BV.ui('qa', 'show_questions', {
productId: 'test1'
<h1>Hi, I am a test page</h1>
<!-- Review Summary Container -->".
<div id="BVRRSummaryContainer"></div>
<div>Main page content is here</div>
<!-- Review Container -->
<div id="BVRRContainer">
<?php echo $bv->reviews->renderSEO();?>
<!-- Question & Answer Container -->
<div id="BVQAContainer">
<?php echo $bv->questions->renderSEO();?>
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