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Last active October 20, 2015 07:10
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Kendo grid with Aurelia
import {inject, ViewCompiler, ViewResources, Container} from 'aurelia-framework';
* Compiler service
* compiles an HTML element with aurelia
@inject(ViewCompiler, ViewResources, Container)
export class Compiler {
viewCompiler: any;
resources: any;
container: any;
constructor(viewCompiler, resources, container) {
this.viewCompiler = viewCompiler;
this.resources = resources;
this.container = container;
compile(templateOrFragment, ctx = null, viewSlot = null):any {
if (typeof templateOrFragment === "string") {
var temp = document.createElement('span');
temp.innerHTML = templateOrFragment;
templateOrFragment = temp;
var view = this.viewCompiler.compile(templateOrFragment, this.resources).create(this.container, ctx);
return view;
<kendo-grid kend-grid.ref="grid""getData($event)" auto-bind.bind="false" pageable.bind="true" sortable.bind="true">
<kendo-grid-col title="Name" field="Name"></kendo-grid-col>
<kendo-grid-col title="Id" field="Id">
This is a template ${ $item.Id }
export class Example {
getData(options) {
return {
data: [{ name: "hello", Id: 1}, { name:"world", Id: 2}],
total: 2
refresh() {
import {inject, processContent, customAttribute, bindable, sync, ViewCompiler, ViewSlot, Container, ViewResources, TargetInstruction} from 'aurelia-framework';
import { EventAggregator } from 'aurelia-event-aggregator';
import './kendo.culture.en-GB';
import {Compiler} from '../compiler';
import * as kendoUi from 'kendo-ui';
import 'kendo-ui/styles/kendo.common-bootstrap.min.css!';
import 'kendo-ui/styles/kendo.bootstrap.min.css!';
@processContent((compiler, resources, element, instruction) => {
parseUserTemplate(element, resources, instruction);
return true;
@inject(Element, Compiler, EventAggregator, TargetInstruction)
export class KendoGrid {
element: HTMLElement;
widget: kendo.ui.Grid;
columns: any[] = null;
@bindable selectable: boolean;
@bindable filterable: boolean;
@bindable pageable: boolean;
@bindable sortable: boolean;
@bindable pageSize: number = 10;
@bindable page: number = 1;
@bindable selectedItem: any;
@bindable selectedItems: any[];
@bindable autoBind: boolean = true;
@bindable resizable: boolean = true;
@bindable reorderable: boolean = true;
@bindable editable: boolean;
@bindable sort: any[];
@bindable group: any;
@bindable groupable: boolean = true;
@bindable refreshFlag: any;
@bindable read: any;
aggregator: EventAggregator;
compiler: Compiler;
comp: any;
constructor(element, compiler, aggregator, targetInstruction) {
this.element = element;
this.compiler = compiler;
this.aggregator = aggregator;
this.columns = targetInstruction.behaviorInstructions[0].kendoGridColumns;
exportToExcel() {
bind(ctx) {
this["$parent"] = ctx;
refreshFlagChanged() {
selectedItemChanged() {
attached() {
// Create the datasource
this.dataSource = new{
serverFiltering: true,
serverSorting: true,
serverPaging: true,
pageSize: this.pageSize,
pageable: this.pageable,
sort: this.sort,
schema: {
data: "data",
total: "total"
transport: {
read: (options) => {
// Check if we have a grid read setup
if (! {
console.warn("No read method provided to Kendo Grid");
// User can transform the kendo options
.then(e => {
return options.success(e);
.catch(e => {
return options.error([]);
// Create the widget
dataSource: this.dataSource,
columns: this.columns,
filterable: this.filterable,
pageable: this.pageable,
selectable: this.selectable,
sortable: this.sortable,
autoBind: this.autoBind,
resizable: this.resizable,
reorderable: this.reorderable,
editable: this.editable,
groupable: this.groupable,
excel: {
allPages: true
// Row selection
change: (e) => {
var selectedRows =;
var selectedItems = => {
return this.widget.dataItem(row);
this.selectedItem = selectedItems[0];
this.selectedItems = selectedItems;
dataBound: (e) => {
// After data binding we need to find the rows and the associated
// data context using the row UID
var tbody = e.sender.tbody[0];
var rows ="tr"));
rows.forEach(row => {
var uid = row.getAttribute("data-uid");
var data =;
// Get the row...
var ctx = find(data, (item) => { return item.uid === uid }, this);
var cellctx = { $item: ctx, $parent: this["$parent"] };
// Replace any switched out html
row.innerHTML = row.innerHTML.replace(/!{/g, '${');
var view = this.compiler.compile(row, cellctx);
var viewSlot = new ViewSlot(row, false);
// Remove the original row
return viewSlot;
this.widget = $(this.element).data("kendoGrid");
refresh() {
if (this.widget);
detached() {
function find(arr, test, ctx) {
var result = null;
arr.some(function (el, i) {
return, el, i, arr) ? ((result = el), true) : false;
return result;
function parseUserTemplate(element, resources, instruction) {
// Pull all of the attributes off the kendo-grid-col element
var columns ="kendo-grid-col"));
var colSpecs = => {
var obj = {};
for (var i = col.attributes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var attr = col.attributes.item(i);
obj[] = attr.value;
parseCellTemplate(col, obj);
return obj;
// Remove any inner HTML from the element - we don't want it in the DOM
element.innerHTML = "";
instruction.kendoGridColumns = colSpecs;
function parseCellTemplate(element, spec) {
// Hack to avoid kendo hijacking Aurelia interpolations - need a good workaround for this
if (element.childNodes.length > 0)
spec.template = element.innerHTML.replace(/\${/g, '!{');
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There are a couple of small issues/typos with this gist, I'll fix them when I get the chance

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Updated :)

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Updated to fix triggered events not working on templated columns. The code now creates a viewslot as per other Aurelia controls and compiles each row rather than each cell.

Also removed the need for in the column templates. Any child elements are immediately a template

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The file example-ts obviously defines a row of data (two cols) -- but where the heck is it used? I guess this gist is a collection of pieces, not all of them to be used in the same context.

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