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Last active August 3, 2018 05:23
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  • Save charlesreid1/403531b91ff111893f6773384158ed4e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save charlesreid1/403531b91ff111893f6773384158ed4e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Walk the file tree of a github repository and extract the text of all markdown files. Then do something trivial with it.

Walk a Github Repo

This uses the github API to walk the file tree of a github repo.

To run:



  • Get the file tree for a given repo
  • Walk every file
  • Look for files with the extension .md
  • Use the requests library to download the text of these documents (base64)
  • Decode the base64 into text
  • Count the number of characters


  • Beware the Github API rate limits.
  • Rate limits are pinned to IP address, so have a way around that.
import requests
from github import Github
import os, re
import base64
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
Walk a Repo's File Tree
This walks through every file in a repository
and looks for files matching a particular
criteria (file extension).
# -----------------------------------
REPOS_LIST = ["dcppc/2018-june-workshop",
EXT = '.md'
# -----------------------------------
def main():
for which_repo in REPOS_LIST:
def find_files_with_extension(reponame):
Find files that match the given criteria
(extension matching EXT) and then do
something boring with them.
if '/' not in reponame:
err = "No slash in repository name provided: %s\n"%(reponame)
err += "Provide repo names the format org-name/repo-name"
raise Exception(err)
which_org, which_repo = re.split('/',reponame)
print("Now scanning repository %s for markdown files."%(reponame))
access_token = os.environ['GITHUB_TOKEN']
# Github -> get organization -> get repository
g = Github(access_token)
org = g.get_organization(which_org)
repo = org.get_repo(which_repo)
# Get head commit
commits = repo.get_commits()
last = commits[0]
sha = last.sha
# Get all the docs
tree = repo.get_git_tree(sha=sha, recursive=True)
docs = tree.raw_data['tree']
count = 0
total = len(docs)
for d in docs:
# For each doc, get the file extension
# If it matches EXT, download the file
fpath = d['path']
furl = d['url']
_, fname = os.path.split(fpath)
_, fext = os.path.splitext(fpath)
if fext==EXT:
# Increment document counter
count += 1
# Unpack the requests response and decode the content
response = requests.get(furl)
jresponse = response.json()
binary_content = re.sub('\n','',jresponse['content'])
content = base64.b64decode(binary_content)
print("File %s has %s characters"%(fpath, len(content)))
except KeyError:
print("ERROR! Could not extract 'content' field. You probably hit the rate limit.")
print("Finished scanning repository %s, found %d markdown files, %d total files."%(reponame,count,total))
if __name__=="__main__":
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