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Created June 9, 2015 20:24
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# LibreOffice macro script
import uno
def changeFontsWithin(object_list, to_font, to_weight=None):
for i in range(object_list.getCount()):
shape = object_list.getByIndex(i)
the_type = shape.getShapeType()
if shape.supportsService(''):
if to_font:
shape.CharFontName = to_font
if to_weight != None:
shape.CharWeight = to_weight
if shape.supportsService('') or shape.supportsService(''):
changeFontsWithin(shape, to_font, to_weight)
if shape.supportsService('') or shape.supportsService(''):
cursor = shape.createTextCursor()
if to_font:
cursor.CharFontName = to_font
if to_weight != None:
cursor.CharWeight = to_weight
def changeFontsToFreeSans(ctx = None):
selection = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument().getCurrentSelection()
changeFontsWithin(selection, 'FreeSans')
def changeFontsToFreeSansNormal(ctx = None):
selection = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument().getCurrentSelection()
changeFontsWithin(selection, 'FreeSans', 100.0)
def changeFontsToFreeSansBold(ctx = None):
selection = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument().getCurrentSelection()
changeFontsWithin(selection, 'FreeSans', 150.0)
g_exportedScripts = changeFontsToFreeSans, changeFontsToFreeSansNormal, changeFontsToFreeSansBold,
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