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Created October 19, 2023 22:09
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This document outlines the guidelines from Google's "Technical Writing One" course. Pass the raw Markdown into an LLM to assess your writing against these guidelines. GPT-3.5 may not process the full style guide effectively, but GPT-4 performs well when provided with clear prompts.


New or Unfamiliar Terms

  • Link unfamiliar terms to existing explanations.
  • Define new terms; group many definitions in a glossary.


  • Use terms consistently throughout.
  • Shorten long-winded terms only after introducing them.


  • Bold and spell out on first use, followed by acronym in parentheses (e.g., Telekinetic Tactile Network (TTN)).
  • Use acronym consistently thereafter; avoid toggling with full term.
  • Only define acronyms if they are much shorter and appear often.


  • Introduce noun before its pronoun.
  • Pronoun should be close to its noun (within 5 words).
  • Reuse noun if a second noun intervenes before the pronoun.

Problem Pronouns

  • Be cautious with it, they, them, their, this, and that.
  • Clarify by replacing or following with the appropriate noun.

Active vs. Passive Voice

Active Voice

  • Formula: actor + verb + target.
    • e.g., The cat sat on the mat.

Passive Voice

  • Formula: target + verb (+ actor).
    • e.g., The mat was sat on by the cat.
  • Some omit actor: e.g., The mat was sat on.

Identifying Passive Verbs

  • Formula: form of be + past participle verb.
    • Forms of be: is/are, was/were.
    • Past participles: often end in ed (but some are irregular).
  • Examples: was interpreted, is generated, is frozen by.

Imperative Verbs

  • Are commands, often start items in lists.
    • e.g., Open the configuration file.
  • Typically active; imply the actor is you.

Complex Sentences

  • Can have mix of active and passive verbs.
    • Convert for clarity: "Python interprets code, but C++ compiles code."

Prefer Active Voice

  • Easier for readers to process.
  • Passive voice can obfuscate ideas or omit the actor.
  • Active sentences are usually shorter.


  • Use active voice predominantly. Be bold, be active.

Clear Sentences


  • Prioritize precise, strong, specific verbs.
  • Limit generic verbs, especially forms of be, occur, and happen.
  • Use varied verbs; don't over-rely on be.
  • Generic verbs may signal passive voice or missing actors.

Reduce "There is/are"

  • Eliminate There is or There are when possible.
  • Replace with a meaningful subject and verb.
  • Relocate the true subject and verb to sentence start.

Adjectives and Adverbs

  • Use sparingly in technical writing.
  • Avoid terms that sound like marketing.
  • Convert vague adverbs/adjectives to objective data.
  • Provide education, not sales material in tech docs.

Short Sentences

  • Prefer short sentences for clarity.
  • Keep one idea per sentence.
  • Break complex sentences into multiple single-idea sentences.
  • Convert long sentences with multiple items or choices into lists.

Extraneous Words

  • Remove or replace unnecessary words or phrases.
  • Examples:
    • Replace "at this point in time" with "now".
    • Replace "determine the location of" with "find".
    • Replace "is able to" with "can".

Subordinate Clauses

  • Identify main and subordinate clauses in a sentence.
  • Common indicators: which, that, because, whose, until, unless, since.
  • Adhere to the one sentence = one idea rule.
  • Split off-topic subordinate clauses into separate sentences.

That vs. Which

  • In the U.S.:
    • Use "which" for nonessential clauses (preceded by a comma).
    • Use "that" for essential clauses (no comma before it).
  • If there's a pause before the subordinate clause, use "which".
  • If no pause, use "that".

Lists and Tables

List Types

  • Bulleted list: For unordered items.
  • Numbered list: For ordered items; sequence matters.
  • Embedded list: Within a sentence; generally avoid.

List Guidelines

  • Parallelism: Ensure grammar, category, capitalization, punctuation consistency.
  • Numbered Lists: Preferably start with imperative verbs (commands).
  • Punctuation:
    • If item is a sentence: Use sentence capitalization and end punctuation.
    • If not: Avoid sentence capitalization and end punctuation.

Table Guidelines

  • Meaningful column headers.
  • Limit text in cells; avoid >2 sentences per cell.
  • Parallelism within individual columns.


  • Introduce lists and tables for context.
  • Preferably use "following" in the introductory sentence.


The following list identifies key parameters:


Opening Sentence

  • Most important sentence in a paragraph.
  • Should establish the paragraph's central point.
  • Avoid misleading the reader.

Single Topic Focus

  • One paragraph, one topic.
  • Remove or move sentences that don't relate to the topic.

Paragraph Length

  • Avoid "wall of text" – break up long paragraphs.
  • Don't make paragraphs too short; avoid many one-sentence paragraphs.

Answer Three Questions

  • What are you communicating?
  • Why is it important?
  • How should it be used or understood?


Key Equation

  • Good documentation = Knowledge/skills needed - Current knowledge/skills.

Define Audience

  • Identify audience's role.
    • Examples: software engineers, technical managers, scientists, students, non-technical roles.
  • Consider proximity to knowledge.
    • Knowledge differs within roles and over time.
    • Account for familiarity with related projects.

Determine Learning Needs

  • List what the audience needs to learn or tasks to perform.
    • Sequence matters; foundational knowledge first.

Fit Documentation

Vocabulary & Concepts

  • Match vocabulary to audience.
  • Assume wider audiences need more explanation.
  • Avoid curse of knowledge; experts can inadvertently omit vital context.

Language & Cultural Context

  • Use simple words.
  • Be culturally neutral; avoid cultural or regional idioms.
  • Note: Translation software struggles with idioms and cultural references.



  • Begin by defining the document's scope.
  • Also define what the document doesn't cover (non-scope).
  • Remove sections that don't align with scope.


  • Explicitly state the document's target audience.
  • Include any prerequisite knowledge, experience, or prior reading.


  • Answer essential questions at the start.
  • Be prepared to revise the beginning multiple times.


  • Relate new ideas to concepts the audience understands.
  • Use "similar to" and "except" for effective comparisons.

Audience Definition

  • Define who the target audience is.
  • Determine their goal and prior knowledge.
  • Decide what they should know or do after reading.
  • Organize the document based on the audience's needs:
    1. Overview: Describe main points and comparisons.
    2. Implementation: Include pseudocode and tips.
    3. Deeper Analysis: Discuss edge cases and uncertainties.



  • Insert where readers would naturally pause.
  • Separate items in an embedded list (use the Oxford comma for clarity).
  • Use after a condition: "If X, (then) Y."
  • Enclose definitions or digressions: "Python, an easy-to-use language, is popular."
  • Avoid comma splices: use a period to separate independent thoughts.


  • Unite highly related thoughts.
  • Both sides of the semicolon should be complete sentences.
  • Use commas for embedded lists, not semicolons.
  • Place a comma after a transition following a semicolon: "X; however, Y."

Em dashes

  • Represents a longer pause than a comma.
  • Can replace commas or parentheses for emphasis or digression: "Language—often nicknamed code—is complex."

En dashes and Hyphens

  • Em dash (—): Longest.
  • En dash (–): Don't use (per Google Style Guide).
  • Hyphen (-): Connect compound terms (e.g., "self-attention"). Check dictionary/style guide for complex compounds.


  • Use sparingly for minor points or digressions.
  • Period rules:
    • Entire sentence inside: period within (e.g., "(This is an example.)").
    • Ends a sentence, but not whole: period outside (e.g., "This is another (example).").
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