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Last active April 30, 2019 03:51
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Elf Debug Enzyme for help debugging Enzyme tests.
* Created by charlie on 5/7/17.
* Last Update: Apr 27, 2019 (version 2 for the day)
* ElfDebugEnzyme requires chalk. chalk comes with create-react-app. Otherwise, install
* it like this:
* npm i -D chalk
* In your tests, initialize ElfDebugEnzyme like this:
* import ElfDebugEnzyme from '../ElfDebugEnzyme';
* const elfDebugEnzyme = new ElfDebugEnzyme(true, 'Foo.test.js', true);
* Parameters:
* Shown below in the constructor.
* And then use it in a test:
* elfDebugEnzyme.getIndex(wrapper, 'div#addressShow', 3);
* If you pass in true to the constructor then you always see the output from this code.
* If you pass false to the constructor, but true to one of the individual methods, then
* you see the output from only that method. For instance, the true in the call to getLast
* overrides the false in the constructor:
* const elfDebugEnzyme = new ElfDebugEnzyme(false, 'App.test.js');
* it('renders and reads H1 text', () => {
* const wrapper = shallow(<App />);
* const welcome = <h1>Waiting</h1>;
* elfDebugEnzyme.getLast(wrapper, welcome.type, true);
* expect(wrapper.contains(welcome)).toEqual(true);
* });
const debug = require('debug')('elf-debug-enzyme');
const chalk = require('chalk');
const util = require('util');
if (!chalk) {
console.log('Please install chalk: npm i -D chalk');
export default class ElfDebugEnzyme {
* @param showData: Whether or not to display output
* @param callerName: Pass in the name of the class that is
* using this debug tool. That way, each message written to
* the console includes the name of the class that is
* requesting to see the output.
* @param useDebug: Changes the output showing the element you are searching for.
* If you use true you see the literal element, if you use false you will see
* a more complex view the element that can sometimes help you debug it.
constructor(showData = false, callerName = '', useDebug = true) {
this.showData = showData;
this.useDebug = useDebug;
this.callerName = callerName + ':\n';
this.showEntireWrapper = false;
display(value) {
if (!value) {
value = 'Not found';
chalk.bold.yellow('Caller:'), +
chalk.bold.yellow('Debug value:\n') + chalk.greenBright(value)
displayWrapper(newWrapper) {
if (this.showData) {
console.log('NEW WRAPPER', this.useDebug);
newWrapper = this.useDebug ? newWrapper.debug() : newWrapper.getElement();
if (typeof newWrapper === 'object') {
if (!this.useDebug) {
newWrapper = util.inspect(newWrapper);
} else {
newWrapper = JSON.stringify(newWrapper, null, 4);
getAll(wrapper, showMe) {
if (this.showData || showMe) {
const paragraphData = wrapper.debug();
getAllDive(wrapper, showMe) {
if (this.showData || showMe) {
const paragraphData = wrapper.dive().debug();
getElement(wrapper, element, showMe) {
if (this.showData || showMe) {
const newWrapper = wrapper.find(element);
getFirst(wrapper, element, showMe) {
if (this.showData || showMe) {
if (this.sanity(wrapper, element)) {
const newWrapper = wrapper.find(element).first();
getIndex(wrapper, element, index, showMe) {
if (this.showData || showMe) {
const newWrapper = wrapper.find(element).at(index);
if (!newWrapper.exists()) {
return this.notFoundError(wrapper, {message: 'Element not found'}, element);
getLast(wrapper, element, showMe) {
if (this.showData || showMe) {
if (this.sanity(wrapper, element)) {
const newWrapper = wrapper.find(element).last();
sanity(wrapper, element) {
if (!wrapper.find(element).exists()) {
return this.notFoundError(wrapper, {message: 'No elements found'}, element);
return true;
notFoundError(wrapper, err, element) {
if (this.showEntireWrapper === true) {
console.log('ERROR') +
chalk.yellowBright.bgBlueBright(': ' + err.message)) + '\n' +
chalk.yellowBright.bgBlueBright('Your ' + element +
' element was not found in the wrapper. Are you\n' +
'sure you are searching on the right element? Are you\n' +
'searching in the right place? Consider using fit or .only.'));
this.displayWrapper({debug: () => 'not found', getElement: () => 'not found'});
return false;
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