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Created January 8, 2014 18:02
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#include "sparse.h"
void sparse_debug(sparse_matrix* m)
for(int r = 0; r < m->rows; r++)
printf("row %d:\n", r);
sparse_cell* c = m->row[r];
while(c != NULL)
printf("\t%d = %d\n", c->col, c->val);
c = c->next;
@brief constructs a new, blank matrix
@param rows the number of row the matrix has
@param cols the number of columns the matrix has
@returns a pointer to the newly created matrix
sparse_matrix* sparse_new(int rows, int cols)
sparse_matrix* the_matrix = malloc( sizeof(sparse_matrix) );
the_matrix->rows = rows;
the_matrix->cols = cols;
the_matrix->row = calloc(rows, sizeof(sparse_cell));
return the_matrix;
@brief the destructor for sparse_matrix. Frees all the memory!
void sparse_destroy(sparse_matrix* self)
for(int i = 0; i <self->rows; i++)
sparse_cell* c = self->row[i];
while(c != NULL)
sparse_cell* tmp = c;
c = c->next;
@brief sets the cell specified by row, col to the value. If the cell does not exist, it is created
@param self the matrix to set the value in
@param row the row of the cell
@param col the column of the cell
@param val the value to set the cell to
@returns void
void sparse_set_cell(sparse_matrix* self, int row, int col, int val)
if(self->row[row] == NULL)
// there are no cells in this row yet
self->row[row] = malloc(sizeof(sparse_cell));
self->row[row]->col = col;
self->row[row]->val = val;
self->row[row]->next = NULL;
sparse_cell* c = self->row[row];
while(c->next != NULL && c->col != col)
c = c->next;
if(c->col == col)
c->val = val;
if(c->next == NULL)
// create new cell
c->next = malloc(sizeof(sparse_cell));
c->next->col = col;
c->next->val = val;
c->next->next = NULL;
fprintf(stderr, "sparse_set_cell()\tError: Did not find column value and list end is not NULL\n");
@brief returns the cell at a specific location in the matrix, or NULL if no such cell exists
@param self the matrix to search
@param row the row of the value
@param col the column of the value
@returns the cell at the specified row and column
sparse_cell* sparse_cell_at(sparse_matrix* self, int row, int col)
sparse_cell* c = self->row[row];
while(c != NULL)
if(c->col == col)
return c;
c = c->next;
return NULL;
@brief returns the item at a specific location in the matrix
@param self the matrix to search
@param row the row of the value
@param col the column of the value
@returns the value of the cell at the specified row and column
int sparse_value_at(sparse_matrix* self, int row, int col)
sparse_cell* c = sparse_cell_at(self, row, col);
return c == NULL ? 0 : c->val;
@brief reads the file in and creates a matrix representation
@param filename the file to read the matrix from
@param transpose if true, switch the rows and columns
@returns A pointer to the newly created matrix, or NULL on error
sparse_matrix* sparse_read(char* filename, bool transpose)
char buffer[34]; /* 3 * 10 for the numbers + 2 commas + 2 new line */
// open file
FILE* f = fopen(filename, "rt");
if( f == NULL )
fprintf(stderr, "sparse_read()\tERROR: could not open input file '%s'\n", filename);
return NULL;
// get dimensions
int num_rows;
int num_cols;
if( fgets(buffer, 34, f) != NULL )
sscanf(buffer, "%d,%d", &num_rows, &num_cols);
fprintf(stderr, "sparse_read()\tERROR: could not read dimensions of matrix.\n");
int temp = num_rows;
num_rows = num_cols;
num_cols = temp;
sparse_matrix* the_matrix = sparse_new(num_rows, num_cols);
// get values
int the_row;
int the_col;
int the_val;
while( !feof(f) )
if(fgets(buffer, 34, f) != NULL)
if(sscanf(buffer, "%d,%d,%d", &the_row, &the_col, &the_val) == 3)
sparse_set_cell(the_matrix, the_row, the_col, the_val);
sparse_set_cell(the_matrix, the_col, the_row, the_val);
//printf("sparse_read()\tRead (%d, %d, %d)\n", the_row, the_col, the_val);
//printf("(90, 25) = %d\n", sparse_value_at(the_matrix, 90, 25));
return the_matrix;
@brief writes the matrix to the specified file
@param self the matrix to write out
@param filename the location of the file to write to
@returns true if successful, false otherwise
bool sparse_write(sparse_matrix* self, char* filename)
FILE* f = fopen(filename, "wt");
if(filename == NULL)
f = stdout;
if(f == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "sparse_write()\tFailed to open file '%s' for writing.\n", filename);
return false;
fprintf(f, "%d,%d\n", self->rows, self->cols);
for(int r = 0; r < self->rows; r++)
for(int c = 0; c < self->cols; c++)
if(sparse_value_at(self, r, c) != 0)
fprintf(f, "%d,%d,%d\n", r, c, sparse_value_at(self, r, c));
return true;
@brief transposes the matrix i.e. interchanges the rows and columns
@param self the matrix to transpose
@returns a new matrix, which is the transposed version of self.
sparse_matrix* sparse_transposed(sparse_matrix* self)
sparse_matrix* to_return = sparse_new(self->cols, self->rows);
for(int r = 0; r < self->rows; r++)
for(int c = 0; c < self->cols; c++)
int val = sparse_value_at(self, r, c);
if(val != 0)
//printf("sparse_transposed() - value at %d %d is non-zero (%d)!\n", r, c, val);
sparse_set_cell(to_return, c, r, val);
return to_return;
@brief adds two matrices together, into a new matrix. For a more efficient function, see sparse_add
@param a the first matrix
@param b the second matrix
@returns a pointer to a new matrix, which is the value of a * b, or NULL if the matrices are not compatible
sparse_matrix* sparse_sum(sparse_matrix* a, sparse_matrix* b)
if(a->rows != b->rows || a->cols != b->cols)
fprintf(stderr, "sparse_sum() - dimensions not compatible.");
return NULL;
sparse_matrix* to_return = sparse_new(a->rows, a->cols);
for(int r = 0; r < a->rows; r++)
for(int c = 0; c < a->cols; c++)
int val = sparse_value_at(a, r, c) + sparse_value_at(b, r, c);
if(val != 0) sparse_set_cell(to_return, r, c, val);
return to_return;
@brief adds the values of matrix b to matrix a. This is more efficient than sparse_sum.
@param a the matrix to add the values too
@param b the matrix to get the second set of values from
@returns matrix a.
sparse_matrix* sparse_add(sparse_matrix* a, sparse_matrix* b)
if(a->rows != b->rows || a->cols != b->cols)
fprintf(stderr, "sparse_sum_() - dimensions not compatible.");
return NULL;
// start with the non-zero cells in matrix a
// matching cells in b are marked by negating the column
for(int r = 0; r < a->rows; r++)
sparse_cell* cell_a = a->row[r];
while(cell_a != NULL)
sparse_cell* cell_b = sparse_cell_at(b, r, cell_a->col);
if(cell_b != NULL)
cell_a->val += cell_b->val;
cell_b->col *= -1; // negate column to mark that this cell has been dealt with
cell_a = cell_a->next;
// deal with the non-zero cells in matrix b.
// cells with a positive column value are added into matrix a.
// cells with a negative column value are "fixed", by making the column positive again.
for(int r = 0; r < b->rows; r++)
sparse_cell* cell = b->row[r];
while(cell != NULL)
if(cell->col >= 0)
//printf("sparse_add()\t\tat (%d, %d) - setting to %d\n", r, cell->col, cell->val);
sparse_set_cell(a, r, cell->col, cell->val);
cell->col *= -1; // fix matrix b
cell = cell->next;
return a;
@brief multiplies two matrices together
@param a the first matrix
@param b the second matrix
@returns a pointer to a new matrix, which is the result of a . b, or NULL if the matrices are not compatible
sparse_matrix* sparse_mul(sparse_matrix* a, sparse_matrix* b)
if(a->cols != b->rows) { fprintf(stderr, "sparse_mul() - ERROR: Matrices do not have compatible dimensions\n"); return NULL; }
sparse_matrix* ab = sparse_new(a->rows, b->cols);
for(int i = 0; i < a->rows; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < b->cols; j++)
int sum = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < a->cols; k++)
sum += sparse_value_at(a, i, k) * sparse_value_at(b, k, j);
sparse_set_cell(ab, i, j, sum);
return ab;
@brief multiplies two matrices together
@param a the first matrix
@param b the second matrix. This should be transposed before being passed here
@returns a pointer to a new matrix, which is the result of a . b, or NULL if the matrices are not compatible
@warning matrix b should be transposed before being passed to this function
sparse_matrix* sparse_mul_optimised(sparse_matrix* a, sparse_matrix* b)
if(a->cols != b->cols) { fprintf(stderr, "sparse_mul_optimised() - ERROR: Matrices do not have compatible dimensions\n"); return NULL; }
sparse_matrix* ab = sparse_new(a->rows, b->rows);
for(int i = 0; i < a->rows; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < b->rows; j++)
int sum = 0;
sparse_cell* cell_a = a->row[i];
while(cell_a != NULL)
sum += cell_a->val * sparse_value_at(b, j, cell_a->col);
cell_a = cell_a->next;
// if(cell_a != NULL && cell_b != NULL)
// {
// for(int k = 0; k < a->cols; k++)
// {
// sum += sparse_value_at(a, i, k) * sparse_value_at(b, j, k);
// }
// }
sparse_set_cell(ab, i, j, sum);
return ab;
@brief compares two matrices
@param a the first matrix
@param b the second matrix
@returns true if matricies are equal, false otherwise
bool sparse_is_equal(sparse_matrix* a, sparse_matrix* b)
if(a == NULL || b == NULL) return false;
if(a->rows != b->rows) return false;
if(a->cols != b->cols) return false;
if(a == b) return true;
bool valid = true;
for(int r = 0; r < a->rows; r++)
for(int c = 0; c < a->cols; c++)
if(sparse_value_at(a, r, c) != sparse_value_at(b, r, c))
fprintf(stderr, "sparse_is_equal() - Failed at (%d, %d): %d != %d\n", r, c, sparse_value_at(a, r, c), sparse_value_at(b, r, c));
valid = false; // it would be more efficient to return false here, but to aid debugging we continue
return valid;
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