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Created February 3, 2024 18:56
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typescript crash course
let id: number = 5;
let company: string = 'Traversy Media';
let isPublished: boolean = true;
let x: any = 'Hello';
x = true;
let age: number;
age = 33;
// arrays
let ids: number[] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let arr: any[] = [1, true, 'Hello'];
// ids.push('Hello'); // Error
// Tuple
let person: [number, string, boolean] = [1, 'Brad', true];
// Tuple Array
let employee: [number, string][];
employee = [
[1, 'Brad'],
[2, 'John'],
[3, 'Jill'],
// Union - let a variable have multiple types
let productId: string | number = 22;
productId = 22;
productId = '22';
// Enum
enum Direction1 {
Up = 1,
console.log(Direction1.Up); // 1
console.log(Direction1.Down); // 2
console.log(Direction1.Left); // 3
console.log(Direction1.Right); // 4
// Enum
enum Direction2 {
Up = 'Up',
Down = 'Down',
Left = 'Left',
Right = 'Right',
console.log(Direction2.Up); // Up
console.log(Direction2.Down); // Down
console.log(Direction2.Left); // Left
console.log(Direction2.Right); // Right
// declare object types (kinda like an Interface)
type User = {
id: number;
name: string;
const user = {
id: 1,
name: 'John',
// Type Assertion
let cid: any = 1;
// 2 diff ways to assert the type
let customerId = <number>cid;
customerId = cid as number;
// error if trying to set customerId to a string
// customerId = 'Hello';
// Functions
// last one is return type
function addNum(x: number, y: number): number {
return x + y;
console.log(addNum(1, 2));
// function with no return type
// message can be a string or a number so using a union
// VOID type is used when a function does not return anything
function log(message: string | number): void {
// log(true); // bad
// Interfaces
// interface is like a contract
// it says that if you create an object with this interface, it must have these properties
interface UserInterface {
readonly id: number; // cannot change
name: string;
age?: number; // optional
const user1: UserInterface = {
id: 1,
name: 'John',
// = 5; // error
// types are different than interfaces
// because they can be used with primitives, unions, tuples, etc
type Point = number | string;
const p1: Point = 1;
// best to just use interfaces for objects
// Interface with functions
interface MathFunc {
(x: number, y: number): number;
const add: MathFunc = (x: number, y: number): number => x + y;
const subtract: MathFunc = (x: number, y: number): number => x - y;
// Classes
interface PersonInterface {
id: number; // cannot change
name: string;
age?: number; // optional
register(): string;
class Person implements PersonInterface {
// default is public but can be private or protected
id: number; // private - only accessible within the class
name: string;
constructor(id: number, name: string) {
console.log(123); // runs when a new instance of Person is created = id; = name;
register() {
return `${} is now registered`;
const nick = new Person(1, 'Nick');
const jack = new Person(2, 'Jack');
// console.log(; // error
// Subclasses
class Employee extends Person {
position: string;
constructor(id: number, name: string, position: string) {
super(id, name);
this.position = position;
const emp = new Employee(3, 'Kristen', 'Boss');
const emp2 = new Employee(4, 'Charlie', 'Developer');
// Generics
// used to create reusable components
// T is a placeholder for the type
function getArray(items: any[]): any[] {
return new Array().concat(items);
let numArray = getArray([1, 2, 3, 4]);
let strArray = getArray(['Brad', 'John', 'Jill']);
numArray.push('hello'); // no error
// better to use generics
function getArray2<T>(items: T[]): T[] {
return new Array().concat(items);
let numArray2 = getArray2<number>([1, 2, 3, 4]);
// numArray2.push('hello'); // error
let strArray2 = getArray2<string>(['Brad', 'John', 'Jill']);
// react and typescript and nextjs support typescript
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