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Last active September 27, 2017 18:40
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vim #config
"Version 5.5
"type ":help X" for help on a command, e.g. ":help ts" for tabstop
set number
set nocp
set expandtab "replace <Tab> with spaces (except in Makefiles, see below)
set smarttab "better behaviour when you type <Tab>
set ts=4 "set tabstop to 4 chars
set sw=4 "set shiftwidth (size of indentation) to 4 chars
set ai "autoindent
set sm "show mode in bottom line of screen
set bs=2 "make <BS> key more powerful
set ruler "show screen position
set mouse=a "and now we have mouse goodness
"temporarily disable mouse
set path=.,/usr/include,~/include
"fixdel "correct behaviour of <BS> / <Del> (if needed)
"Quit all, no save - WHY WONT <C-q> work?
"ap <C-e> <Esc><Esc>:qa!<CR>
"make <CR> work in Normal mode
nmap <CR> i<CR><Esc>
"make <BS> work in Normal mode
nmap <BS> X
nmap <C-\> 0i# <Esc>
"comment out line when # pressed in normal mode
"nmap <F1> :qa!<CR>
" surround the character under the cursor in single-quotes
" surround the visual selection in single-quotes
" replace an uppercase char with underscore then lower case char
if version < 600
"custom syntax highlighting
let mysyntaxfile = "~/.vim/compat/syntax.vim"
syntax on "turn on highlighting
" autocompletion shows matching
set wildmode=longest,list
" Move text, but keep highlight
vnoremap > ><CR>gv
vnoremap < <<CR>gv
filetype plugin on
" Only do this part when compiled with support for autocommands.
if has("autocmd")
" In text files, always limit the width of text to 78 characters
autocmd BufRead *.txt set tw=78
augroup cprog
" Remove all cprog autocommands
" When starting to edit a file:
" For C and C++ files set formatting of comments and set C-indenting on.
" For other files switch it off.
" Don't change the order, it's important that the line with * comes first.
autocmd FileType * set formatoptions=tcql nocindent comments&
autocmd FileType c,cpp set formatoptions=croql cindent comments=sr:/*,mb:*,el:*/,://
"make Ctrl-\ comment out a line (either C or C++ stylee)
autocmd FileType c nmap <C-\> I/* <Esc>A */<Esc>
autocmd FileType cpp nmap <C-\> I// <Esc>
" fold functions (vim6)
autocmd FileType c,cpp nmap f v/^\s*{\s*$<CR>%zf
autocmd FileType cpp ia ::S std::string
autocmd FileType cpp ia tmpl template <typename
"autocmd FileType c,cpp ia cnost const
autocmd FileType c,cpp ia cosnt const
autocmd FileType c,cpp ia unsigend unsigned
autocmd FileType c,cpp ia unisgned unsigned
" replace "char*" with "std::string" (actually, replace any 5 chars)
autocmd FileType cpp nmap c2s c5lstd::string
"shortcuts to toggle between #include <...> and #include "..."
autocmd FileType c,cpp ca syshdr s/^#include "\([^"]*\)"/#include <\1>/
autocmd FileType c,cpp ca localhdr s/^#include <\([^>]*\)>/#include "\1"/
augroup END
"au FileType python source ~/.vim/syntax/python.vim
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.cf3 set ft=cf3
autocmd FileType make set noexpandtab "use hard tabs in Makefiles
autocmd FileType changelog set noexpandtab "use hard tabs in ChangeLogs
autocmd FileType crontab set noexpandtab "use hard tabs in crontab
"make Ctrl-\ comment out a line
autocmd FileType vim nmap <C-\> I" <Esc>
autocmd FileType shellscript,makefile nmap <C-\> I# <Esc>
autocmd FileType xml,xslt,dtd,xsd nmap <C-\> I<!-- <Esc>A --><Esc>
autocmd FileType sql nmap <C-\> I-- <Esc>
"set ts|sw differently for xml/xslt/html
autocmd FileType xml,xslt,xsl,dtd,xsd,rng,html,htm set ts=2
autocmd FileType xml,xslt,xsl,dtd,xsd,rng,html,htm set sw=2
autocmd FileType css vmap f :!<CR>
endif " has("autocmd")
"enable <Home>, <End>, <PgUp> and <PgDn> keys (<End> is broken)
" map [1~ g<Home>
" imap [1~ g<Home>
"map [4~ g<kEnd>
"imap [4~ g<kEnd>
" map [5~ <PageUp>
" imap [5~ <PageUp>
" map [6~ <PageDown>
" imap [6~ <PageDown>
"make <Insert> change mode
" nmap [2~ i
" imap [2~ 
"make it easier to save and exit
"cmap W w
"cmap Q q
" ca Q q
" ca W w
" ca WQ wq
" ca Wq wq
" ca wQ wq
" hack to get cursors to work at home
"so ~/.vim/cursor_maps
" command! Make3 make PATH=~/bin/gcc3/bin:$PATH
" Common command line typos
"cmap W w
"cmap Q q
" above isnt great, as it stops you being able to use W or Q in :s
"com! -bang Wq :wq<bang>
"com! -bang Qa :qa<bang>
"com! -bang WQ :wq<bang>
"com! -bang QA :qa<bang>
ca Qa qa
ca QA qa
ca Wq wq
ca WQ wq
ca wQ wq
ca qA qa
ca Q q
ca W w
" resize windows
nmap <Esc>Or :res -2<CR>
nmap <Esc>Ot :vert res -2<CR>
nmap <Esc>Ou <C-w>=
nmap <Esc>Ov :vert res +2<CR>
nmap <Esc>Ox :res +2<CR>
" Keyboard mapping for numeric keypad
imap <Esc>OM <c-m>
map <Esc>OM <c-m>
imap <Esc>OP <nop>
map <Esc>OP <nop>
imap <Esc>OQ /
map <Esc>OQ /
imap <Esc>OR *
map <Esc>OR *
imap <Esc>OS -
map <Esc>OS -
imap <Esc>Ol +
imap <Esc>Om -
imap <Esc>On .
imap <Esc>Op 0
imap <Esc>Oq 1
imap <Esc>Or 2
imap <Esc>Os 3
imap <Esc>Ot 4
imap <Esc>Ou 5
imap <Esc>Ov 6
imap <Esc>Ow 7
imap <Esc>Ox 8
imap <Esc>Oy 9
imap <Esc>Oz 0
" Highlight redundant trailing whitespace
highlight RedundantSpaces term=standout ctermbg=red guibg=red
match RedundantSpaces /\s\+$\| \+\ze\t/
"\ze sets end of match so only spaces are highlighted
set background=dark
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